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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I'm sending this message to thank all the Commanders for attending the meeting.
    Let's take a look back at what we got to know about each other.

    The Commanders who encountered our finest knights are Commanders: Satsuki, unknown67, Myrdin, kuresta, Ghostmon, maotd, Mraktar and Volarmis. I do believe this makes it the meeting with the highest attendance of our esteemed rainbow units to date. Commander unknown67 and kuresta had the pleasure to meet two of them each.

    The most popular Commander among our gold girls was Commander unknown67, meeting 20 of them. On average, each of our guest Commanders have met 7 5-star ranked knights.

    Among the girls searching to sign up for new knight orders, the most have signed up to Commanders' unknown67 and Mraktar ranks - 9 knights for each. Looking at the average, about 4 girls decided to work under each of the Commanders who attended this meeting.

    Commander durrem turned out to be the most charismatic, having gained the attention of the highest number of our gold-ranked knights with the least amount of greetings exchanged. Our rainbow girls however preferred Commander kuresta in that regard.

    Among the attending flower knights, the most friendly turned out to be Accanthus, responding to the Commander's greetings 4 times, followed by Kurinsou at 3 times. Balloon Vine seemed to have gained more confidence after putting on her Easter outfit, calling out two further times, also responding to our guest's greetings 4 times. Other than that, the girls seemed to have warmed up to this kind of meetings, since this time 17 of them responded to more than one among our guests.

    Once again, I thank you for visitng us. Here's hoping that the girls the Commanders have gotten to know here will serve you well in the quest to rid our lands of pests.

    Your helper,
    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-27-2019 at 05:03 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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