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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Christmas Cards 2019

    It's that time of the year again.
    Let's hear what our favorite flower girls want to wish us this Christmas.

    The drill's the same as before - send me PMs with the cards you'd like to see translated, give me some time and check back to see if the post with your cards has been updated.

    For those who don't have their favorites on their rosters, please check this page.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-21-2019 at 04:49 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2
    Could we also use this thread to post Christmas cards that were translated elsewhere? For instance, from Discord. I had Lily R's translated there, and I've also seen Mirabilis.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown67 View Post
    Could we also use this thread to post Christmas cards that were translated elsewhere? For instance, from Discord. I had Lily R's translated there, and I've also seen Mirabilis.
    Sure, why not.
    Send them over to me and I'll make one post with all of those.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Ume (Yukata)

    To Commander Myrdin,

    Merry Christmas, Commander. Let's spend a good Christmas together.
    On that note, changing the topic a bit, Christmas comes only once a year.
    Celebrating it while wearing the same clothes as always would be a waste. That's why I came up with a special performance.
    If you decide to visit me, please look forward to it. ...since it's a bit chilly, please come quickly.


    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Astra Galus

    To Commander,

    Commander, Merry Christmas!
    For the sake of my beloved Commander, I've written this card!
    Thank you very much for everything! I'm really grateful!
    If you're free today, I'd like us to spend the day together-!

    Astra Galus

    Chocolate Lily

    To Tomitain,

    Merry Christmas... I'm sending this message to you, my important person.
    It completely became winter, so let's hope none of us catch a cold.
    I plan to show you all my appreciation this year as well.
    That's why, I'll be happy if you don't keep me waiting.

    Chocolate Lily

    Chocolate Lily (New Year)

    To Tomitain,

    All this Christmas atmosphere is probably to blame for this. Ever since this morning
    I can't help wanting to see you. I want to relieve this chill with the touch of your skin.
    To think a death god like me would come to have such thoughts...
    I have you... and also Geranium to thank for this... or so I feel.

    Chocolate Lily


    Commander Tomitain,

    Ya-ho, today's Christmas ♪
    Since I was able to spend the whole year with you, I can't help being happy.
    Today I plan to finish up work and come back quickly.
    That's why Commander should also make your preparations and look forward to my return!



    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    Fufu... there's a curse on this card
    that makes you want to spend the holy night together with me from the moment you open it...
    That's why it's fine to not hold back and come to my place, you know? I'll be waiting.


    Cattleya (Radiant Princess)

    To Commander Tomitain,

    Merry Christmas. Will this reach you properly, I wonder?
    As I promised, only for tonight I made sure that Oncidium and the others
    will not be coming to the mansion. That's why tonight it will be just the two of us.
    I'll prepare a lot of things while waiting for you, so be sure to arrive on time, OK?

    from Cattleya

    Hop (Yukata)

    To Commander,

    Commander, if we're talking about Christmas, we need to mention hot springs of course-!
    The sake floating on the hot spring water, the two of us slowly warming up...
    Of course, after getting out we'll still be knocking back a few! That's it, that's the thing!
    And so, let's got to a hot spring-! Let's make it the greatest Christmaaas!


    Japanese Iris

    To Commander,

    I've prepared this composition with all the gratitude I feel each day.
    Even though Peach Blossom Spring is open today, I can take some time off
    so if it's fine with you, could you come visit me?
    I can't say why, but I feel like getting pampered by Commander today... fufu.

    Japanese Iris


    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    The Christmas I'm spending with Commander today... I'm so looking forward to it!
    Ehehe, I got a little too excited and I couldn't even lie properly.
    Ah, I forgot to mention. Commander is reserved by me today, so I'll be in your care-♪


    Lotus (June Bride)

    To lord Tomitain,

    A special day deserves a special outfit.
    Because of that, I'm appearing before lord clad in a bridal dress.
    ...do you understand the meaning behind my choice?
    Tonight, before being a queen, I'm lord's bride...



    To Tomitain,

    Merry Christmas from the unrivaled under the heavens, me!
    Thinking back, starting from a love at first sight, a lot of things happened up until today.
    I feel like you and me together can do anything!
    From now on as well, I'll blast away any walls that stand in our way with the power of love ♪

    from Peach



    Christmas card, eh...
    I don't think there's anything to put to writing especially on such a day.
    ...then again, if it's to fire someone up only to become ashes, I might as well. It's an exception.
    I wish you all the blessings... fufufu ♪


    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-23-2019 at 05:30 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander,

    I bet you're thinking that the holy night doesn't suit this witch, aren't you?
    In that case you're welcome to come and check for yourself. I'll show you my holy night.
    I won't be taking responsibility for anything that happens, so be sure to come prepared.
    Without forgetting my present, of course.


    Wormwood (X-mas)

    To Commander,

    It's beginning - the witch's holy night.
    I'll give you the special privilege of attending the noble mass.
    I'll make it a night you won't be able to forget, so be sure to look forward to it.
    By the way, if anything happens, I won't be taking any responsibility.


    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Munaru,

    I've prepared a present to be given to Munaru. I want Munaru to
    come alone to the place I indicated also bearing a present for me.
    If you want the present, I think that's not a bad condition... kukuku.
    And so, let us begin the present exchange meeting of this dark holy night!

    the phantom thief dashing through the holy night, Nightshade

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander!
    I'm bestowing you with some very special words, so accept them thoughtfully.
    ...my cuteness is the ultimate justice itself!!
    Such a cutie like me is waiting for you, so you absolutely must come here tonight!

    from Anthurium

    Balloon Vine (Easter)

    To Commander,

    I may be wearing the costume of a lonely rabbit, but I'm not even close to being lonely!
    As for why, it's because I know that Commander is by my side!
    We go on dates together, we eat together, we spend time happily...
    I'm so happy I could hop around ♪

    Balloon Vine


    To Commander,

    Making a riot with everyone while happily drinking wine with everyone is great, but
    leisurely enjoying Christmas with just the two of us sounds good too.
    Having said that, I'll be coming to Commander's place today to play, you know?
    Tonight, let's mugimugi together~! You can't fall asleep before me, OK?


    Camellia (Bride of Phos)

    To Commander Myers,

    Could I ask you to spend today together with me?
    If so, I want to be together with you...
    P, please don't say no... please...!
    I, it's because I... like you...!



    To Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas, huh. Now that I wrote it down, it gives me a mysterious feeling.
    When I met you, I never would have thought we would be having
    such conversations. To think that would become such a relationship...
    Good grief, you just can't fully understand life. What do you think?


    Easter Cactus (Swimsuit)

    To Commander Myers,

    I got so heated up preparing the decorations for the Christmas party,
    I didn't even notice it already became the morning on the next day!
    Since it's a Christmas I'm spending with Commander, I put my all into it.
    Let's make this Christmas so hot, it'll blow the cold away!

    Easter Cactus

    Green Bell

    Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas, thank you for your hard work.
    Since I'll be eating with Commander, I've prepared a giant pudding.
    Because of that, you know... by coincidence, it became two giant puddings
    sitting on plates, but... i, it doesn't have anything to do with my chest, OK?

    Green Bell


    To Commander Myers,

    Commander, Merry Christmas!
    I'm a bit sad that this season carries the image of snow more than rain, but
    if I'll be spending a white Christmas with Commander like this,
    snow might not be bad at all... or something like that. Let's spend the next year together as well ♪


    Hare's Ear

    To Commander,

    Did it surprise you to find this card among the cards I've dealt you?
    I don't do such things normally, you know? If I did, it would be cheating.
    Once today's work is over, let's go somewhere we can be alone together.
    It is a special occasion of Christmas after all. Both for the invitation and the secret card, right?

    Hare's Ear


    To Commander,

    I never thought I would be spending Christmas with someone other than my family.
    However, when I think that it's together with Commander, I can't help but feeling happy.
    That's because towards you, I feel a considerable amount of love. Fufu.
    I look forward to the time we'll spend together.


    Jersey Cudweed

    To Commander Myrdin,

    Commander, Merry Christmas.
    The fact that we could reach this day again is, Commander, all thanks to you.
    I've prepared a simple meal full of the gratitude I feel everyday.
    If it is fine with you, could I ask you to spend today alone together with you?

    from the Seven Herb Maiden Group's Jersey Cudweed

    Lycoris (World's Flower Shrine Maiden)

    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas. Thinking back, a lot of things happened till this day.
    I never expected to be chosen as a Shrine Maiden of the World Flower.
    Using the occasion, I'll let you fully enjoy our date together while wearing the outfit from that time.
    Additionally, I'll allow a little petting. Be grateful.

    from Lycoris


    Commander Myers,

    It's the holy night, isn't it? Fufu ♪
    Along with fulfilling my daily work, I was also making preparations for tonight.
    However, I haven't thought about anything after we're left alone together.
    I'm looking forward to our dream programme tonight. Isn't that right, Commander ♪



    To Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas... is fine and all, but
    be careful not to eat and drink too much, OK? I'm watching today, so it should be fine.
    ...using the occasion, I'll write down the gratitude I feel everyday.
    Thank you for everything. From now until forever, please take good care of me.



    To Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    It seems Christmas was initially something you spend with your family.
    I'm not in such a relationship with Commander yet, but
    I already plan to be one of these days, so please allow me to announce these feelings.


    Oncidium (Bride of Phos)

    To Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas! If we're talking about Christmas, we need to mention parties!
    Since we're on that topic, I'm inviting Commander for a party for just the two of us!
    I'll wear my favorite dress, prepare delicious foil steamed mushrooms and
    wait for my beloved Commander! Let's have a wonderful Christmas ♪



    Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas.
    I've written this card to express my everyday feelings to Commander.
    While expressing such things properly...
    Commander, I love you. Let's be together from now on as well.


    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander,

    I'm thinking about making Christmas lights with the children in my experiment classroom.
    It'd make a wonderful experiment, wouldn't it? It won't be as large-scale as it is in the city though.
    I want to show it to Commander too, so will you come? I plan to make them really pretty.
    Once that is over... let's spend Christmas leisurely together.

    Rainbow Rose


    To Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas ♪ I've prepared a really extravagant cake today~!
    I think it's a fitting reward for all of us for a whole year of our hard work ♪
    Of course, I also prepared a lot of rewards only for you ♪
    To start off, Su1 will pat~pat your head a lot!


    1 Sparaxis = suparakishisu, hence the first "Su"

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-23-2019 at 01:10 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Other translators

    On unknown67's request, I'll be posting the translations made by people from the Discord server here as well.
    I won't be making any changes to them myself, so they might be written in a different style (for example not translating Danchou = Commander and so on), but that shouldn't be any sort of problem.

    On that note, since DragonSword001 also decided to pitch in on translating stuff, some of the following cards may be translated by him.

    Lily Rubellum (tl: Schverika)

    Dear Danchou,
    Merry Christmas. As it's a special day, I want to be straightforward with my feelings in this letter. Danchou-san, you may not realise it but I very much like you. I will continue to be together with you.
    Lily Rubellum

    Mirabilis (tl: DC$)

    Dear Danchou-san.
    M… Me-Merry Christmas-desu~! I feel that I have been changing little by little thanks to Dancho-san, but there are still times when I'm still bad... Da- Dancho-san! Thank you so much-desu~!

    Mirabilis (Costumed) (tl: DC$)

    Dear Danchou-san.
    Merry Christmas-desu~! Dancho-san, I can spend this time with my favorite person on Christmas nights. I feel like I'm dreaming. …I couldn't stop thinking about it for a long time. Dancho-san, more than usual tonight, but please cherish me a lot-ne~.

    Cattleya (tl: DC$)

    To Danchō
    First of all, I would like you to thank me from the bottom of your heart. I took the trouble to make this Christmas letter. Well, you've been working hard this year, So I will give you a few words for your hard work. If you understand, take this letter and come to me.
    From Cattleya

    Yarrow (Prison Island) (tl: DragonSword001)

    Dancho San,
    As always at Christmas, we'll still do the same as usual.
    The usual drinks (specifically alcohol), tasty food, and party until morning.
    If you decide to do that, then we'll need to prepare drink and snacks.
    Of course, Chikuwa will also feast. I'll be waiting for Dancho to come. Yarrow.

    Tall Stewartia (Christmas) (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho
    Dancho. For the world, just for Christmas I've made a special outfit.
    I hear that you have yet to meet someone special. (Don't ask where I heard that!)
    If it's Dancho's wish, may I do that? Anyway, be together with me! That's an order!

    Manettia (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho Sama,
    At night, while dressed as Santa, I thought about sneaking into Dancho sama's room, but...
    I was really lonely waiting for that time, so I decided to go now!
    Dancho sama, please be patient and look forward to your Christmas present

    Apple of Sodom (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho,
    Today's Christmas, right.
    I'm always grateful that I can watch over the Dancho.
    Today's a special day, so let's spend Christmas together.
    I want to spend the holy night with my special someone.

    Red Naae (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho san,
    Merry Christmas, Dancho San.
    You always take care of me, so I've made a special present for you.
    A grown up Naae, or the Naae now. Which is better?
    Life tree Red Naae. (The message contents are imagination)

    False Hydrangea (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho chan,
    Merry Christmas, Dancho chan! The decorations for the party are perfect!
    I made them using scissors and glue!
    I'm looking forward to it for the first time~
    Oh, it's not good to peek!

    Sarcandra (Christmas) (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho,
    It's Senryou santa! Merry Christmas!
    This year I had a lot of fun thinking about what to give.
    I've already had a lot of fun times with Dancho!
    Dancho, do you feel the same? If so, presents are great!

    Epidendrum (Swimsuit) (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho,
    Well, if Dancho says so, I'll wear it, but do you really want to see a swimsuit on Christmas! That's abuse of authority! I'll keep the room super warm, but if you want to see, could you come soon? And bring suitable gifts! That's a promise!

    Walnut (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho San,
    I can't wait for the Christmas party main event!
    All the flower knights are looking forward for their turn to (ah-n) with Dancho! To be honest, I want to be the first to try. But that would make me unfair... I need to be patient!

    Oncidium (Valentine) (tl: DragonSword001)

    To Dancho,
    Merry Christmas! This is a great present from Onci-chan!
    What kind of gift? Ehehe, Well that's~ You get to play with me all night! So? Doesn't that make you happy? Let's do lots of things we can only do at Christmas!

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-25-2019 at 01:16 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. Maotd

    To, (maotd) Da-San
    Da-San, Merry Christmas!
    Even though my door was unlocked, I wonder who's the crazy Santa that got stuck in the chimney?
    But, the key to my heart has been unlocked perfectly!
    As a reward, let this big boobed FK give you lots of healing!

    Cowslip (Maid)
    To Goshujin Sama (Master),
    Da-San, Christmas together will be exciting until morning!
    Presents, check! Food and drink, check!
    Crap (yaba), it looks like a real shop!
    Da-Chan, even when Christmas is over, let's keep this cafe going for just the two of us!
    From the big boobs maid, Cowslip

    To Dancho San,
    It seems like in Banana Ocean, they play around at Christmas.
    I think there might be a lot of accidents when they get carried away.
    I'm going to be a lifeguard, would you like to join me, Dancho San?
    After work, we can swim in the sea.

    Dendro (Valentine)
    To (maotd) Dancho San,
    How about a Christmas present of [muscles]?
    I'm going to make sure you train really hard so we can go out!
    That was a joke, but it's true that I want us to go out.
    Let's enjoy the party at the mansion, and also our own private party!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Christmas Cards 2019-cowslip.jpg   Christmas Cards 2019-maidslip.jpg   Christmas Cards 2019-isogiku.jpg   Christmas Cards 2019-dendrobium.png  

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