0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?
Balsam. She’s such a bad ass.
Japanese Anemone Queen is right behind her.

1.Who was your favorite new 5* girl?
Pinkladies Flower

2.Your favorite new 6* girl?

3.Your favorite event 5*?
Spider Lily

4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?
Black Locust bride

5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?
Still like WormWood best. Don’t use her a whole lot though these days.

6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?
Thousand Headed Earthworm

7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?
Luckiest pull was Onci Valentine

8.Is there something you really disliked?
Flower memories could be improved

9.Any other feeling?
Needs a totally new mechanic introduced