I didn't get started until mid-May so my window of reference is a bit limited. That said:

0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year? Eryngii. She's been riding the bench for a while now but I've a soft spot for her just like I do for Astragalus.

1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl? Borage I guess. New Year's Soapwort is fast becoming a favorite but she's more an old Knight with a new version.

2.Your favorite new 6* girl? Silk Tree.

3.Your favorite event 5*? Eryngii again.

4.Your favorite old girl with a new version? Cactus (X-mas), although if I'd been playing when she was released then New Year's Acacia would be here.

5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu? X-mas Night Phlox I guess?

6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new missions? Any of the Sapling Raising events.

7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you? The double rainbow gacha roll I had about a month and a half ago that reunited me with Acacia.

8.Is there something you really disliked? I wouldn't say REALLY disliked but it bugs me that a lot of the SD animations for Knights are still missing roughly half a year after the move from Flash to HTML5.

9.Any other feeling? Not particularly.