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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    Great 2019 FKG Survey

    Hi fellow commanders.
    Another year of FKG is over now. And once again a lot of thing happened. Many events, many new stuff, many new girls. So, it's time to do a little survey about you and this game's year.
    Just to be clear, the year started with last year New Year event and finished with the last event (Christmas event with so much rainbows).

    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?

    1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl?

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl?

    3.Your favorite event 5*?

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?

    8.Is there something you really disliked?

    9.Any other feeling?
    Last edited by maotd; 12-30-2019 at 11:06 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Texas, USA
    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year? Valentine Dancing Lady Orchid

    1.Who was your favorite new 5* girl? Penny Plant

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl? Silk Tree

    3.Your favorite event 5*? Penny Plant

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version? Valentine Dancing Lady Orchid

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu? Not particularly. I don't tend to get sentimental about them. Except Texas Bluebell. Though I will say that Valentines Onci has been my homepage girl since the minute she entered my line up.

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions? I don't get overly excited about particular events, though I prefer flip card ones.

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you? getting Silk Tree on a yolo.

    8.Is there something you really disliked? not particularly

    9.Any other feeling? Still waiting for my favorite two star to get some love. :P

  3. #3
    0. Saffron (June Bride), glad we can progressively corrupt her with more lewdness each time she gets a new version.

    1. Channelled Heath, drawn by REI (Scotch Broom's artist. Artist bias)

    2. Duranta, drawn by an artist I have followed on other DMM games. (More artist bias)

    3. Unfortunately most 5* event girls from this year doesn't seem all that interesting.
    Isogiku is probably the most interesting one for me, glad to see her on the 2020 calendar as well. Thanks, Kurot-sensei!

    4. Wheat (Christmas), heart warming csq and date scene.

    5. Not above all, but got new waifu at least. Balsam, because Nyaachou. (Lul more artist bias.) A bit heart breaking csq, be a good danchou and control her trigger happy habits.

    6. Favorite event and partial mission would probably be the long awaited Nemunoki event release along with wrapping up the story on Aqua Story even though it felt like a rushed job.

    I suppose the limited time Quiz maps were pretty interesting as they touched upon plenty of old event storyline as well as details on many of the girls themselves.

    7. Giving access to reroll gacha and '15 6* ticket was an excellent idea. It gave new players a good start, giving them access to waifus along with a reason to stick around without having to suffer months of crap rng like we did back in the days.

    8. Releasing information on new mechanics and changes way too slowly, thus causing community to panic on every little thing due to player speculations.
    Prefer they release information in full details in one go, rather than pieces and pieces of detail slowly added to previous patch notes.
    Examples: Centies, Flower Memories, and Rainbow Medal shop rework.

    9. Seeing the pace of RG release, it's sad to see that late 2017/early 2018 waifus won't be getting RG for a while.
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 12-30-2019 at 11:10 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?
    Balsam. She’s such a bad ass.
    Japanese Anemone Queen is right behind her.

    1.Who was your favorite new 5* girl?
    Pinkladies Flower

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl?

    3.Your favorite event 5*?
    Spider Lily

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?
    Black Locust bride

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?
    Still like WormWood best. Don’t use her a whole lot though these days.

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?
    Thousand Headed Earthworm

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?
    Luckiest pull was Onci Valentine

    8.Is there something you really disliked?
    Flower memories could be improved

    9.Any other feeling?
    Needs a totally new mechanic introduced

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Thanks for your answers. That's interesting.


    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?

    1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl?
    There was not that much new girls I liked this year but I think it's Clove. She as a nice design and nice battle&skill animations. I hope I can RG her on my alt one day.

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl?
    We don't got that many new 6*. Most of them seems alt versions. My favorite should be Balsam but that's mainly because she is over broken. I also like her gun shot sound. My second favorite is Nipplewort because I got her on my alt with a random roll aiming for White Gaura.

    3.Your favorite event 5*?
    Clearly Isogiku. Too bad she is a 2 target skill user. I really like everything else on her. From her hairs to her extra cute sprite.

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?
    Valentine Dendrobium. I just love her red maid dress and her cute face. She is one of my permanent helper from a long time.

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?
    I'm not that much into waifu but Valentine Dendrobium is close to this. And a bit Isogiku. I don't know if they are actually above Money Tree or not but I love them all.

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?
    I liked a lot Earthworm event (regular event). I had almost the same feelings and exitation as the first Nidhogg event. Like we are doing something very important.

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?
    We saw the end of a lot of long time stories. The end of main story chapter 2 with Earthworm, the end of the Prison Island arc with it's event and the Scene.Maps and the end of Aqua Shadows with Laeva's battle. It took 3 years to conclude the main story with Nidhogg and only one year for all of this. I really hope they will start a 3rd chapter for main story and make something with these flower ruins in the sky with Whaleship. An maybe an arc based on Nushi?

    8.Is there something you really disliked?
    The html version. I miss the good old flash version. Everything is fine and better now except ONE thing. Most enemies animations are still broken or missing. Same for girls. Some girls skill animations are just an horrible blurr of tiny pixeled animation absolulty not made for this. Sounds are not always synchronised... It don't break the game but It's less clean and pleasant than it was in the past. Looks like devs don't care at all about the look of the game. That's sad.

    9.Any other feeling?
    Same as Epicfaillulz, RG pace is a bit to slow. Waiting two weeks for a batch of girls and don't see the girl we wait for... for weeks and weeks and weeks again is a bit sad. Espacially if the wanted girl is not that good at the end.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
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    I didn't get started until mid-May so my window of reference is a bit limited. That said:

    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year? Eryngii. She's been riding the bench for a while now but I've a soft spot for her just like I do for Astragalus.

    1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl? Borage I guess. New Year's Soapwort is fast becoming a favorite but she's more an old Knight with a new version.

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl? Silk Tree.

    3.Your favorite event 5*? Eryngii again.

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version? Cactus (X-mas), although if I'd been playing when she was released then New Year's Acacia would be here.

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu? X-mas Night Phlox I guess?

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new missions? Any of the Sapling Raising events.

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you? The double rainbow gacha roll I had about a month and a half ago that reunited me with Acacia.

    8.Is there something you really disliked? I wouldn't say REALLY disliked but it bugs me that a lot of the SD animations for Knights are still missing roughly half a year after the move from Flash to HTML5.

    9.Any other feeling? Not particularly.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?
    Robinia Bride, beautiful both in her suit and her wedding dress.

    1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl?
    Multiflora, extremely pretty and bad-ass looking.

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl?
    My favourite new rainbow (that isn't an alt version) is Hyacinth, gorgeous girl.

    3.Your favorite event 5*?
    Hosta, elegant girl in lovely clothing.

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?
    Besides my overall favourite girl Robinia Bride, I'd say Sakura Swimsuit - love everything about her.

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?
    None that are above previous waifus, but some I'd rate equal to them: 6* Hyacinth, 5* Multiflora, 5* Angelica, 5* Buntan, 5* Solidaster, and 5* Hosta.

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?
    I actually like the various Flower Memory missions we've gotten, kinda difficult missions but not too difficult so I can use my waifus on them. Quick to farm on too, however the drop rate on the memory fragments is abysmal. The first Earthworm event was very cool too.

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?
    The Re-Roll Gacha and the '15 Rainbow Ticket were super surprising to me, it was very kind of the devs to give two free rainbows.

    If we're talking about our personal experience here, then my 3 rainbows in 30 premium tickets was probably the best. In addition to that, the fact that I got my #1 waifu Habranthus so soon after playing the game with premium tickets was great too .

    8.Is there something you really disliked?
    Skipping Green Bell's RG Gacha because devs couldn't have both the RG Gacha and FM Gacha running concurrently back then :/.

    9.Any other feeling?
    Still waiting on that English version . Unlikely, but hopefully in 2020 it will finally be here.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Yeah forgot about that. Greenbell got the shaft all the way around. Even by her artist.
    Shes a good girl. Shame

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?

    I don't have one, since I rarely have an absolute favorite, especially when so many different characters are concerned.

    1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl?

    Let's see... the one that stuck out in my memory the most is Hamanadeshiko. We finally have another "ore-kko" to match Black Baccara's confident attitude.

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl?

    I'd say Usagigoke. For one, I managed to pull her. Two, her backstory is pretty serious business. Three, it was quite refreshing to see her raise a slight controversy as being probably the youngest flower knight in the game.

    3.Your favorite event 5*?

    There are two I might consider - Isogiku for her amusing design (and the popularity she gained because of it) and Asian Royal Fern (Zenmai), for her obsession with gadgets which makes her one of the quirkiest event girls this year. I think I'll go with Zenmai in the end - her interests kind of remind me of Hatsume Mei, the inventor student from My Hero Academia.

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?

    Hands down Novalis in her new Queen form. She was one of the 3* knights I really wanted to have a more viable version of and so it happened.

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?

    I have none and got none.

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?

    The one that stood out the most was the crossover event with "That time I got reincarnated as a slime", while the new missions I'm glad were introduced are the Quiz stages, since it's finally something more related to the lore than the amount of rainbows one has in a team.

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?

    I guess it would be seeing way more 6* pulls in our forum rolls than before. Seriously, did they secretly spike up the rates, or what?

    8.Is there something you really disliked?

    That would be the way they handled the crossover characters. Since they already got a corresponding flower name, they should be normal characters in the 18+ version of the game, with normal scenes and unique appearances + animations. They ended up as generic "otherworld" characters instead, which I find a bit annoying.

    Also, we were once again getting stages where anyone other than a rainbow unit is pretty much useless.
    Given it is a challenge and requires one to rethink their squad combination, why make it combat-strength based?
    There are unused mechanics that could be used to complete some puzzles in the stages, which would not require a full 6* lineup.

    9.Any other feeling?

    Glad to see people coming over from the Nutaku version.
    Know that you're welcome here.

    Also, coming back to point 8, it'd be great if we got some puzzle stages for a challenge instead of the usual pattern.
    We have knights with the cannon ability - make a stage where you need to fire the cannons a specific number of times to proceed.
    We have various speed modifier abilities - make a stage where you need to arrive at different points in a specific order.
    We could also use new panel types - make some panels that only open when you have enough solar power or something.
    Of course, it'd all need to be realized in a way that won't be too frustrating for the player to retry, but I'd still prefer that to another, often luck-based, power struggle.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #10
    0.Who was your above all favorite girl of the year?
    Swimsuit Sakura has been really helpful for making my first viable 6* team for beating high-end content.

    1.Who was your favorite new gacha 5* girl?
    Nobody stood out.

    2.Your favorite new 6* girl?
    Swimsuit Sakura.

    3.Your favorite event 5*?
    None of them, but if I had started earlier, it might have been Shizu from TenSura.

    4.Your favorite old girl with a new version?
    Swimsuit Sakura.

    5.Did you get a new waifu above all the previous waifu?
    Don't have a waifu, but my favourite knight hasn't been topped yet and probably won't be.

    6.What was your favorite event this year? Or your favorite new misions?
    Baseball event was hugely helpful for starting the game due to being a raid boss event. Other than that I don't really read them enough to know whether they are interesting or not. There are too many unknown kanji moon runes for me to do it comfortably and it seems you can't copy the log text anymore in the html version. As for missions, I don't really know what was new and what was not. Mizuworm's the only one I confidently know is new and I do like it.

    7.What was the most remarkable thing this year for you?
    Drawing Valentine Lavender soon after joining made the start much, much less painful than it would have been. Also, drawing one of the best girls in the game (Swimsuit Ara-chan) out of the gacha was a nice surprise.

    8.Is there something you really disliked?
    Too many characters that look and act like children. Just gives the game a way more creepier feel than it should have. Other than that, flower memories made the game even more fiddly and I feel like the game already has too much micromanagement as it is.

    9.Any other feeling?
    Chronic lack of gold. I was told that I would soon be drowning in unusable amounts of it, so I never farmed for it, but that never happened. I don't think older players quite realise just how much stuff new players have to upgrade to catch up. Other than that, I finally do feel I'm starting to shape up after getting my 19th 6* knight (discounting Alstroemeria). Nice to have 3 knights fully ampied, superampied, aqua shadowed, and centied up. Only thing that's missing is whaleship equipment. And finally I have a decent enough whaleship team, though they are not fully equipped yet.
    Last edited by kuresuta; 12-30-2019 at 05:38 PM.

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