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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitoru View Post
    Where is that if you can help a blind old man?
    I haven't pulled it myself, but this counter should go up each time you pull.

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Oh i noticed that we got the "pity timer".
    I guess Kuresuta meant 50 000 gems not 500 or just spoke in the old value but yeah thanks haha.

    DMM ID: 542707285

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Items User Name Style ChangeUser Name Style Change
    So, ticket gacha stay at 0.5% rate. Disappointing.
    The new 110x event gacha is interesting. Not as good as the old 55x (at least we got a full centy with the 6* girl) but it could be a very nice thing if it stay for ALL the events. 50 000 FG is a decent price for a guaranteed 6*.

    For the pact, I guess we won't wait for valentine day. Okay. Let's jump in the salt pool.

    Pact results - 160 ticket burned
    1st roll
    2nd roll
    3rd roll
    4th roll
    5th roll
    6th roll
    7th roll
    8th roll
    9th roll
    10th roll
    11th roll
    12th roll
    13th roll
    14th roll
    15th roll
    16th roll

    They should add a pity system to the ticket gacha too.
    I'm glad, I got just one new 5*. She will not take too much space in my girl collection.
    Last edited by maotd; 02-03-2020 at 10:27 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I've got 154 tickets, now come on and give me some sugar...
    Of the multi-colored kind even.

    Only 6 salt pulls, though I got the legendary all-bronze pull once (not documented).
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Items User Name Style Change

    100 ticket salt pact

    Out of the ten rolls only three of them gave me something other than salt. I forgot to get a picture of the roll with Iono in it though I figure the picture I put in its place captures her just as well.

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-2-3-20-salt-pact-roll-3.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-merry-christ-meh.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-2-3-20-salt-pact-roll-10.jpg

    All told, four new Knights (Physostegia, Ionocidium (X-mas), Echinacea, Laurentia (Ninja)) for a 4% success rate. At least now I have both versions of Echinacea and Laurentia.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  6. #6
    141 rolls, the non-salt results are below:

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.23.38-pm.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.24.22-pm.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.27.04-pm.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.30.04-pm.jpg

    - Dupe golds: Nandina, Delphinium, Moss Phlox, Kale
    - New golds: Calendula, Apple of Sodom
    - New rainbow: Nipplewort

    Sort of surprising amount of salt, and the rainbow isn't exactly who I would've chosen, but I won't complain. A new rainbow is a new rainbow.

  7. #7
    Since I kinda slowed down because of IRL crap happening, I only had 58 tickets. I rolled them all and here are the results minus the all salt rolls:

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-after1.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-after2.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-after3.jpg

    Not a bad one this time and got quite a few OPPAI girls. 1 gold dupe, 2 new golds, 1 new rainbow.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  8. #8
    Here are my non salt results on 120 tickets. I think I did pretty well this time

    Link for if the images don't work...

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