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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Valentine's Cards 2020

    If anyone is interested, send me screenshots with the cards you'd like to see translated.

    EDIT: For those who prefer looking up their cards on the net: link.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-10-2020 at 10:42 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. I'm also free to help out if you need it.

  3. #3
    I'm curious what this new lady has to say:
    Valentine's Cards 2020-diamond-frost-.jpg

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander,

    Since I especially went out of my way and prepared these for you, be grateful and receive them.
    You don't need to be so on guard, I haven't put anything weird into them. However...
    If somewhere in your body - especially near your heart - something abnormal occurs, be careful.
    To get rid of that thumping is difficult for me too.


    Wormwood (X-mas)

    To Commander,

    Now then, go ahead and receive these chocolates.
    When you receive all of them, your love for me will become unstoppable, so be prepared.
    No, I didn't mix anything weird into them. I only put my feelings into them.
    Surely, in your case that will have the greatest effect... right?


    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-09-2020 at 12:06 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    Commander Tomitain,

    Here, Valentine's chocolates. Will you receive them from me?
    This time I won't be flustered about it, after all I get along well with Commander, right?
    ...even if I say so, actually I'm still a bit embarrassed.
    Kee, keep it a secret from everyone!



    To Commander Tomitain,

    I tried making some Valentine's chocolates.
    I've heard it's great for clearing your head and relieving your fatigue,
    so I thought it would heal Commander's everyday fatigue at least a bit...
    Just like this, I wish to support Commander from now on as well.

    Rue Anemone... from Anri

    Astra Galus

    To Commander,

    Commander! Thank you for everything!
    I've made chocolates for my beloved Commander!
    I've packed them full with my feelings!
    Commander, I want to be with you from now on as well!

    Astra Galus


    To Commander,

    Occasionally you deserve to get some reward for always doing your best.
    There's no curse on it, you know? If I did that, the return gift would be a problem for you, right?
    I'll say this upfront, I don't want a gift you can simply buy with money.
    I'll let you serve me. For you this is also a form of reward, isn't it?


    Chocolate Lily (New Year)

    To Tomitain,

    I'm sending over chocolates to thank you for taking good care of me everyday.
    Ever since meeting you, I've been made to notice all manner of feelings
    which I thought didn't even exist in me...
    I hope you receive them. Please do.

    Chocolate Lily

    Di Yu (Maturing)

    To Master,

    By preparing a giant chocolate, the plan was to surprise Master?
    The problem is that it got so big, it turned out to be impossible to carry it out of Di Yu's room?
    Di Yu got defeated by her own Valentine scheme? In that case,
    before it melts, surely I want Master to come to my place quickly?

    Di Yu

    Dogwood (Yukata)

    To Commander Tomitain!

    Do you remember what day it is today?
    Yes, it's the once-a-year Valentine's Day!
    It's the day to convey the more special than usual kind of love!
    I want you to receive these feelings of mine with all your body and heart ♪



    Commander Tomitain,

    Since the other flower knights were making a great fuss about it, I jumped on the bandwagon too!
    Happy Valentine's! Here you go ♪
    I didn't put any alcohol into these chocolates... how ・ e ・ ver!
    I've prepared some alcohol that goes well with sweet things, so I'll come over with it later ♪


    Larkspur (Halloween)

    To Munaru, the Gentle of Chaos,

    I tried making some sweet and delicious chocolates for Commander-supa~
    Compared to the ones I gave to Meister, these chocolates turned out bett...
    ...no, nevermind that-supa!
    Now then, prepare to engrave the infinitely spreading taste of sweetness onto thy tongue-supa!



    To Commander,

    I tried preparing chocolates with all my feelings of gratitude for Commander.
    I don't usually make such ladylike things, so I had to take my time with them.
    I'm not really used to fulfilling such a role, so can we keep this a secret from everyone?
    ...Happy Valentine's, Commander.


    Hop (Yukata)

    To Commander Tomitain,

    Well now, Commander, I came over bearing Valentine's chocolates~. Ehehe~.
    Should I make chocolates with alcohol in them or should I make chocolates that go well with alcohol
    is what I was troubled by for a long time, so in the end I made both! E~he~he~.
    I, I didn't drink anything~. No way, I wouldn't drink while making them~.


    Night Phlox

    To Commander Tomitain,

    For Commander, I've made chocolates to the best of my abilities.
    I haven't put anything weird into them,
    so eat them up properly without leaving any.
    Fufu, I did however put a lot of my affection into them.

    Night Phlox

    Soapwort (New Year)

    To Commander Tomitain,

    This season, my feelings go pitter-patter with
    all the sweet scent of Valentine's chocolate and it becomes a bubbly feeling.
    I'm sending Commander some chocolates filled with loads of those feelings.
    I'd be very happy if Commander also gets to share those feelings of mine ♪



    To Commander,

    Good work on always leading the knight order.
    To show my appreciation for such a great Commander, I've prepared chocolates.
    I wonder - do they fit your taste? Truth to be told, I am confident in my cooking skills.
    It's not really all that often I show of my cooking skills... Only Commander is a special case.



    To Commander Tomitain,

    While the whole town is getting carried away, I made something while imagining Commander's suffering face.
    This awfully sweet, horribly sticky chocolate cake...
    You'll eat it, right? Ah, forcefully feeding it to you sounds fun too!
    Now then - here you go, unhappy Valentine's ♪


    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-11-2020 at 03:02 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Diamond Frost

    To Commander Mozo,

    Happy Valentine's, Commander ♪
    I had a lot of fun preparing chocolates by hand for the first time in a long while ♪
    I've made them to be the type you prepare only for your special partner... well,
    Commander is already... fufu, you do understand what I mean, right?

    from Diamond Frost ♪

    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-09-2020 at 01:31 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Items User Name Style ChangeUser Name Style Change
    Special Blue Nae card:
    Valentine's Cards 2020-valentine_card_bluenae-57081ae.jpg
    I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to work like that. Or did she hate me? Special Red Nae has the same issue.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Let's find out what mama has to say shall we?
    (Also got the christmas card that for some reason didn't get sent to Volarmis when that was a thing, so consider it optional)
    Valentine's Cards 2020-mama-valentines.jpg
    Valentine's Cards 2020-yarrow.jpg

    DMM ID: 542707285

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander,

    Happy Valentine's, Commander!
    Eh, asking what's Valentine's... you don't even know that?
    It's a day when girls give presents of chocolate to the people they like, you know?
    Fufu, here, your chocolate! Commander, I love you ♪

    from Anthurium


    To Commander,

    Let's eat the chocolates I made together while drinking some delicious alcohol~
    Since alcohol is something that changes it's taste depending on who you drink it with,
    the alcohol you drink on Valentine's day with the person you like must be the best.
    Happy Valentine's, Commander.


    Camellia (Bride of Fos)

    Commander Myers,

    To take part in such a noisy event, it's really not like me...
    Despite that, I won't lie about my feelings.
    I've made these for Commander. Will you receive them?
    From now on as well, I promise to be with you from the bottom of my heart.



    To Commander,

    Happy Valentine's, here's your gift.
    I added some high-class wine into it, so it has a grown-up taste, just like me.
    Be careful not to get drunk on it.
    If you do get drunk... fufu, I'll look after you in my room.


    Easter Cactus (Swimsuit)

    To Commander Myers,

    I felt these chocolates would definitely make Commander happy,
    so I chose them without holding back, but I got so fired up I got dizzy.
    Here are your chocolates, which I chose with so much heart, they made me feel like that even though I was wearing my swimsuit.
    ...Now then, try them out, Commander!

    Easter Cactus

    Green Bell

    Commander Myers,

    I had an interesting idea and prepared chocolate fondue.
    You eat it by dunking soft and fluffy marshmallows into it.
    ...Right now, did you think about something else?
    Those are... ummm... after eating the chocolates, you can give those a taste too.

    Green Bell


    To Commander Myers,

    Since I prepared chocolates, here you go, eat them up ♪
    I've heard that if you give chocolate to someone you like, you'll get a gift of rain in return.
    To be able to freely make it rain like that, Commander is awesome!
    What's that? I've misheard candy (飴 = ame) for rain (雨 = ame)? Ho, how can that be...


    Hare's Ear

    To Commander,

    I wonder if you know what's the thing I'm preparing for Commander right now.
    If you manage to guess right, I'll give it to Commander.
    A game like this is fine from time to time, isn't it?
    The hint is: it's sweet... and it's something you give to someone important for you. Easy, right?

    Hare's Ear

    Himeshara (X-mas)

    To Commander Myers,

    I suddenly thought of something serious even though I woke up early in the morning to prepare chocolates.
    All this is to attract Commander's affection... In that case, how about this?
    After eating these chocolates, you'll be mesmerized by me on the spot.
    In case it doesn't work, how about coming to my room afterwards?

    from Himeshara


    To Commander,

    Happy Valentine's, Commander.
    It seems like today is a great day for women to express their feelings to men.
    That's why I'd like Commander to receive my feelings of love.
    Ah, I just wrote "I"! Uuu, I still have a long way to go...1


    1 She catches herself on using the gender-neutral "boku" instead of the feminine "watashi" in her previous sentence when referring to herself.

    Jersey Cudweed

    To Commander Myers,

    I've prepared chocolates for Commander.
    For Commander, who is always taking good care of me,
    I've prepared special ones as a present, different from the ones I give out to the children.
    Ufufu. Keep it a secret from the children.

    Jersey Cudweed of the Seven Herbs Maiden Group

    Lycoris (Shrine Maiden)

    To Commander,

    There's no sense in splitting it into serious and obligation categories, right?
    I won't give out chocolates out of obligation. It'd be troublesome to cause misunderstandings with that.
    The ones I'm giving out are for the person I can give them to whenever I feel like it... for you.
    Fufu, did your heart just skip a beat? I like that cute part of you ♪



    To Commander Myers,

    I entrust my sweet and melting heart to the chocolates and I'm sending them over.
    I believe eating these chocolates while taking care of documents during work will make it easier make progress ♪
    That was a joke, fufu ♪
    I'd be happy if you carefully digest my feelings for you.



    To Commander,

    Good work as always, Commander.
    For such a great Commander, I've prepared some chocolates.
    They are fu~~~~ll of my feelings.
    ...though aside the feelings I've put into them, my feelings towards Commander became even stronger ♪



    To Commander Myers,

    Commander. This is a gift I've put my everyday feelings of gratitude into.
    After all, I did hear today is Valentine's, the day when you give chocolates to the person you like.
    I've brought them to you faster than anyone else.
    My feelings for Commander will absolutely not lose to anyone else's.

    from Nasturtium

    Oncidium (Bride of Fos)

    To Commander Myers,

    Nihihi~n ♪ Happy Valentine's, Commander!
    Ehehe~! It's so fun to make chocolates~.
    Even though I did get my clothes dirty,
    I want to do this next year and the next year over... take good care of me now and forever Commander!



    Commander Myers,

    Ummm... I've tried making chocolates.
    It's my first time and I don't know if it went well...
    I'd be glad if they fit your taste.
    From now on as well, let me stay by your side.


    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander,

    Today is Valentine's Day. Right now, I've finished preparing the chocolates I'll give to Commander.
    ...it's just that I'm not really confident about their taste. I did give my all to prepare them though.
    If you eat them, I'd sincerely like you to share your thoughts about them.
    After all, I'd like to leave some data on that. For next year and the year after that as well.

    Rainbow Rose


    To Commander Myers,

    I wanted to make bitter, grown-up chocolates, but it didn't turn out how I wanted it to~!
    In the end it became a sweet-sweet chocolate in the form of a heart ♪
    It's probably because the sweet-sweet feelings I have for you came out clearly in the chocolate!
    Right now I'm looking forward to getting my head gently patted when I come to deliver it~♪



    To Commander,

    Today is the day when women give gentlemen chocolates.
    I've also prepared chocolates I'd like Commander to eat.
    I've studied a book about making sweets. They might be a bit too sweet...
    If they fit your taste, I'd be really... really happy.


    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Cowslip (Maid)

    To Master,

    It's a present of swe~et chocolate from a girl on Valentine's Day!
    Of course I prepared chocolates for Dassan too.
    I may have tried a little too much and got splashed by chocolate here and there~
    ...wait, you know I'm talking about my apron, right? Come on, Commander you perv~♪

    from big-breasted maid Cowslip


    To Commander,

    Happy Cookie Valentine's ♪
    The shape of my love is a round chocolate cookie.
    You love round, sweet and soft things, right?
    If you're not satisfied after tasting them, you're welcome to feel them up ♪


    Dendrobium (Valentine)

    To Commander maotd,

    Making sweets is a type of training by itself. The more you make the more you improve.
    At the same time, my love for Commander is growing even stronger...
    These special Valentine's chocolates, consider them my expression of love and receive them please.
    From now on and forever, allow me to grow together with you, ok?


    Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower)

    To Commander maotd,

    This day finally arrived. It's a heart-pounding, happy Valentine's Day.
    It's a day to send chocolates to your important person. You understand what this means, right?
    Please receive these chocolates filled to the brim with Pinkladies's love and wine.
    Today it is a somewhat stronger type. Let's get drunk on love together.


    Money Tree

    To Commander maotd,

    Here's your happy Valentine's present!
    Some sweet handmade chocolates, guaranteed to raise your luck with money ♪
    I'd be happy if you eat them and become happy yourself.
    Commander's happiness is my happiness after all!

    Money Tree


    To Commander,

    Hello, Isogiku here. Since it's Valentine's Day,
    I've tried making some chocolates.
    I did fail many times and had to redo them...
    However I did my best and made them, so I'd be happy if you eat them.

    from Isogiku

    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-11-2020 at 03:11 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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