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  1. #151
    Day 13: Hehe
    Free Daily 5-roll Pact (26.05. - 07.06.)-20200607.jpg

  2. #152

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Okay, on first glance these results don't look all that positive, let's try to break them down.
    Since Mitoru went MIA, I won't be considering the results in that row.

    We had 5 rainbows this time around. They turned up for skasio (double), unknown67, Drayvhen and Satsuki. Congrats to them.

    The average of golds per commander this time was 4, with Myers's 8 as the max.
    The longest non-salt pull chain award goes to Tomitain, having 5 consecutive days of hits.

    There were about 9 salt pulls per commander on average, which seems to be quite high as expected.
    Tomitain is the most skillful salt dodger this time around, having 7 salt pulls.

    On average there were about 4 pulls each day.
    The unluckiest day was day 5, with only one pull. Day 7 was the luckiest with 7 pulls.

    Here's to a better luck next time. Thanks for participating!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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