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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Rolled 137 tickets for average results I guess.

    5* Pussy Ears
    5* Ginkgo
    5* Lamb's Ear (Easter)
    5* Azuki
    5* Gardenia
    New 5* Acanthus
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #12
    120 Tickets rolled.

    5* Larkspur (Halloween) dupe
    5* Saffron (Christmas) dupe
    5* Dancing Lady Orchid dupe
    5* Dalmatian Bellflower dupe
    5* Peperomia new
    5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) dupe

  3. #13
    161 tickets rolled with not too bad results. Probably a bit under the average, but it had four new knights which is always welcome.

    Start of Summer Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-06-27-9.02.20-pm.jpg

    Start of Summer Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-06-27-9.05.27-pm.jpg

    Start of Summer Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-06-27-9.06.04-pm.jpg

    Start of Summer Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-06-27-9.09.17-pm.jpg

    Start of Summer Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-06-27-9.12.37-pm.jpg

    Dupe 5*: Rabbitear Iris, Mei Plumblossom (Yukata)
    New 5*: Stewartia, Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), Yuzu, Dipladenia (Valentine)

  4. #14
    Luck was on my side...used 150 tickets

    14 dupe 5* : Calendula, Wood Sorrel (Tanabata), Henna, Heliotrope (Yukata), Violet, Pickerel Weed, Bleeding Heart, Red Dead Nettle, Lion's Ear, Pyrethrum, Red Tulip, another Bleeding Heart, Apple, Green Bell
    3 new 5* : Black Baccara (Easter), Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), Baikamo
    1 new 6* : Queen of the Night (June Bride)

    FKG ID: 428782982 (DMM)

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Let's see what we had this time around.

    We rolled 1098 tickets altogether with 58 golds and 4 rainbows to show for it. This makes it a 5,3% rate for golds and 0,36% for rainbows. Although none of us went lower than 4% on golds, nobody except Drayvhen went significantly higher than that.

    The lucky rainbow pulls go to phob, Tomitain (twice) and Drayvhen. Congrats.

    The average of golds per commander was 6,4 this time around, with a 5,1% average gold ratio. Drayvhen takes the gold medal if the medal was made of the highest amount of golds rolled (at 17), along with the highest gold ratio at 11% (being about twice more than anyone else's).
    My result along with durrem's and unknown67's turned out to be really similar with 6 distinct golds pulled each.

    As previously noted, since we're gaining more and more units as time goes by, the ratio for new aquisitions is becoming insignificant. This time it was about 1,9, though the only ones to go above two new aquisitions were Tomitain, Drayvhen and unknown67, with 4 each.

    6 flower knights appeared twice amongst our pulls: Bleeding Heart (both for Drayvhen), Cactus (Bride of Phos), Calendula, Hop, Tall Stewartia and Water Dropwort. Half of this lineup appeared for phob.

    Thanks for participating. Until next time!

    EDIT: By the way, feel free to post anything interesting you noticed about this salt pact.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 06-29-2020 at 12:40 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Items User Name Style Change
    I dunno if I'd say it's interesting in general but I did notice that my non-salt rolls were set up such that the rainbows were the only 'good' content of the rolls they were in and the golds were paired up so that I had one new Knight alongside one dupe (Calendula with Hop, Dragon Fruit with Skunk Vine).

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  7. #17
    I did get two all 3* rolls in a row. Idk if that is interesting.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Yeah, it sometimes makes me wonder if there's a "winning" strategy to making your rolls - like at a specific time or after a different successful roll.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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