140 slatickets used

Dupe 5* Tree Peony
Dupe 5* Hackberry
Dupe5* Luffa
New 5* Chocolate Cosmos
Dupe 5* Crowea Hotsrping
New 5* Poinsettia Yukata
Dupe 5* German Iris

New 6* Ume
New 6* Viola Yukata

Ending with two 6* is very nice and unexpected. But having Ume in it is even better. She is a great Crit and I just noticed she bring 50% Solar Gauge. She fit well with Viola Yukata (hopefully I got the best of the two Viola and she was reworked). It's more than perfect to help with in my Sun Team building.
Tree Peony is nice too. She is one of my sun source for whaleship and this one gave me her last equip slot. Same for German Iris. She is a good candidate for the sun team.