I rolled all 2740 salt tickets that I acquired in 2021. In total, I got 168 golds, 3 of which were new and completed my gacha gold collection, and 16 rainbows, 9 of which were new. Screenshots of the 6* rolls are here: https://imgur.com/a/airqsXJ

Also, because I hate myself and apparently wanted to quadruple the time I spent rolling, I went and documented every gold and rainbow I acquired (though there may be mistakes due to human error and exhausted delirium). Those are in the spoiler below for anyone curious.

New - 3
Spotted Bellflower, Marshmallow Plant, Jack-in-the-Pulpit

Dupe - 165
Dicentra Peregrina x2, Creeping Smartweed x2, Leucocoryne x2, Pinkladies (Flower Saint), Cowslip, Silphium x3, Spoonwood x2, Strawberry Candle, Yomena x3, Dipladenia (Valentine), German Iris, Tiger Lily, Wax Vine (Xmas) x2, Formosan Cherry, Gardenia, Pineapple, Cherry Sage x2, German Iris (Yukata), Maple (Xmas) x2, Laurentia, Violet, Poinsettia (NY), Nerine (Bride) x2, Kudzu, Pickerel Weed, Poinsettia, Hop (Yukata), Dianthus (Shrine Maiden), Lion's Ear, Hypericum (Baseball) x2, Lippia, Papyrus Sedge x2, Stewartia, Delphinium x3, Poppy, Creeping Bugleweed, Gourd, Canola (Hope), Rose Moss x4, Dahlia, Nightshade, Kalanchoe, Black Baccara (Easter), Nandina x2, Wheel Lily, Cowberry, Calendula x3, Heliotrope x2, Lady's Sorrel x2, Pussy Ears, Linaria, Carrot, Money Tree, Toad Lily (Swimsuit), Heliotrope (Yukata), Coral Flower (Bride) x2, Harujion x2, Night Phlox, Peach, Baikamo (Halloween) x2, Gingko, Smithiantha, Apple of Sodom x2, Globe Thistle x3, Mint (Maturing), Epidendrum, Silene Coeli Rosa x2, Lychnis, Barrenwort (Valentine), Saffron (Xmas), Anemone (Heavenly Flower), Night Phlox (Xmas), Twinspur, Sakaki x2, Kiwi, Ghost Weed (Xmas) x2, Peperomia, Christmas Cactus, Chicory x3, Dalmatian Bellflower, Water Hyacinth, Nigella, Avens, Rabbitear Iris x2, Liriope, Cockspur, Soft Windflower (Prison Island), Barrenwort, Japanese Iris, Echinacea, Aloe, Yarrow, Christmas Begonia, Madonna, Anemone (Flower Saint), Worm Wood, Queen of the Night, Tree Peony, Pitahaya (Halloween), Coral Flower, Redcurrant, Cacao (Easter) x2, Anchusa, Ghost Weed (Princess), Madagascar Periwinkle, Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), Sutera (Aspirational), Holly (Swimsuit) x2, Flat Sea Holly, Saffron (Bride), Oregano, Candlebark, Shion Aster, Blushing Bride (Costumed), Watercress, Cyrtanthus, Buntan, Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), Toad Lily x2, Camellia (Bride), Worm Wood (Xmas), Spotted Bellflower, Leucophyllum, Sarcandra x2, Oxalis, Firethorn, Wax Tree, Hop, Winter Cosmos, Ardisia (Bride), Gajumaru

New - 9
Threeleaf Arrowhead, Scotchbroom (Xmas), Anemone (Princess), Lycoris (Sparkling), Silk Tree (Saint), Hemerocallis, Elder Flower (Xmas), Wolf Berry (Seven Flowers), Japanese Anemone

Dupe - 7
Golden Lace, Dusty Miller, Convolvulus, Jersey Cudweed, Mei Plumblossom, Scotchbroom (Xmas), Juneberry

If I ever do something like this in the future I will probably only document the 6*s because that was miserable :P For now though, I think I'll be taking a break from salt pacts, lol.