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  1. #41

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    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #42
    I believe Honeysuckle Easter is a better double attack DPS than intercept DPS, it's really hard to make use of both intercept and double attack, so better choose 1 and kinda ignore the other.

    But with 60% miss debuff she can fit in any team, I'm currently using her in my Corbett team with Bluet, Aeonium and Spring Star (School), and this team so far is my strongest team that can easily stomp EX map. But this is not even my ideal team.

    My ideal team:
    - Honey Easter
    - Zinnia
    - Adlay
    - Sigilaria
    - Hinoki Parallel

    And I'm currently lacking Hinoki, Zinnia and Adlay, 3 pieces

  3. #43

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    For now, I think I'll use her in my regular intercept team to replace Golden Lace. At least until I can get Blueberry Easter.
    She would be good in offensive team but she really lacks of self offensive buff and I lack of good support girls like Hinoki School.

    For EX maps, I'll stick with Bluet+Adlay+Spring Star School+Asian Birch+Tritoma. That's by far my best regular team ever made.
    For the hard Stuff, the classic Sigilaria+Adlay+Zinnia+Spring Star School+Corbett will still do the job.

    I really hope we could get a rebalance someday. Most of pre 2020 girls are meh or useless. That's hard to use them in meta right now.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #44
    Old units are quite garbage, their 8%-15% atk buffs are useless.

    I'm not sure if I can even afford to summon Hinoki School + Swimsuit Usagigoke + Red Spider Lily (Higanbana) School anymore.

    But I'm chilling because so far I my best team can beat EX with pretty much 0% to fail, I need to focus on getting quality girls.

    Also Cat Cymbidium is rated as SS tier along with Hinoki School by Japanese players, truly so because she brings 3 attributes, skill activation x2, guts and act again. A really really good unit to have.

  5. #45

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    What are your Opinions about this Squad featuring Pavonia as an Attacker???
    Should i grab her from the Shop?

    The only other Girl i would miss is Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit). I have all the other Girls from the Video.

    Last edited by Wutan; 04-24-2023 at 02:00 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #46

    Join Date
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    Glad she's back. I picked her up this time. Good attacker.

  7. #47

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    Pavonia is insane and top tier for test your strenght bosses from raid bosses events. But I always find she lacks a bit of versatility for actual fights (aka infinite castle mainly). I prefer the good old ancient flowers. She is a must pick though and worth her R-medals. Just for the pleasure of reaching billions or trillions of damages.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #48
    Pavonia is an insta buy, Japanese players use her a lot:

    - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xKiHF6i9fYc
    - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9WOL2ACUbg
    - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jsVfd9gzPlQ

    She's probably the best rainbow medal girl.

  9. #49

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    Yep it is as i thought...Khepri activates her Abilities also during other Summons, not only her own...This makes Bamboo viable in a Team like this. Here is another Article:

    Also if she gets attacked (with her upgraded Personal Equipment to Rainbow Status) she gets x2 Skill Activation on the Next Turn...

    Here again the Video from Chit Chat:
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-13-2023 at 03:52 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #50

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    Okay. I see. It somehow looks like a bug but if it's not fixed, that's cool. Bamboo is finally worth it (to assist a non flower knight girl. Kind of failure for ancient knight right?).
    It was interesting overall. I like all these hidden mechanics and unexpected combos. Thanks.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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