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    New Flower Tactica [aka share your best teams here]

    It's time to make a thread for team sharing, so they wont be lost in the limb of Chat Chit.
    Feel free to share your teams here. Best for Castle, for Nushi stages, for Aqua shadows (hope there will be new someday) or even for regular farming event/everyting else.

    __________________________________________________ ___

    Here are mine to fill the thread:

    Blue Team (aka destroy everything with Dendrobium)

    The idea here is simple. Give as much power as possible to Dendrobium. I use only hit girls so, they can all get the +40% skill damage from memories. Cactus is here as a second attacker if Dendrobium don't kill first. The new Castle Memory is a nice add here for +35% atk and +40dmg on Dendrobium (she sould always get the +40% since you want to 1hitKo the ennemies). Kugaisou is good with her Pierce attribute for all.
    - You can replace Dendrobium memory by the +40% atk and +40% dmg on bosses for boss battles (but it don't work on Caslte for some reasons).
    - You can replace Kugaisou by Bluet for more Crit buff if you don't need pierce. You can also use RG Dogwood for better results turn 1 but Dendrobium will be at 55% crit rate instead of 80%.

    This team can handle most of the game, including most of the lower Caslte floors in hard.

    Purple Team (aka destroy even more with Cattleya)

    A good brainless Cattleya+Vervain combo. It's the antithesis on the previous one.
    For thoses who don't know (or live under a rock itself under a bigger rock), Cattleya has a huge Skill damage buff with more skill damage buffs each turns. And Vervain change the skill damage buff calculation from additive to multiplicative for 5 turns after she use her skill. So, Cattleya will jump from a flat +200% skill damages to above +2000% in one turn.
    Lotus Bride and Azalea are here for more skill damages. I could use another one for the 5th slot but I prefer Golden Lace. She brings defensive support with her atk and miss debuff. The team want to stay alive at all cost since Cattleya can do insane damages only after the 1st turn. Lotus Bride heal and Azalea provoke+evade help the others to stay alive. Actually, you only need Cattleya and Vervain alive to kick some pests ass (Vervain bonus is active only if she is alive).
    All the memories are magic skill damages for obvious reasons.

    Infinite Caslte: floor130

    A basic Evade+Intercept team based on phob idea.
    Juneberry is clearly the main girl here. She add +10%evade and give intercept ability to everyone, including girls with already intercept. She also give 25% healing to everyone each time the evade.
    Black Locust Bride has the broken combo of evade+intercept and pursuit. Pursuit is a wonderful underestimated ability able to bypass enemy defenses. This tiny little bonus damage help a lot on the 10 turn limit.
    Golden Lace is always here for her Debuff. And her evade help for the 10k points. Sadly, her miss debuff seems to occur before girls evasion, limiting Juneberry healing buff. That's why Kerria get a memory with HP limit break.
    Kerria and Meconopsis are here for raw damages.
    Last edited by maotd; 10-01-2021 at 02:55 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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