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  1. #9

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    Help with Kerria & Friends:
    I need help with my Kerria Evade Team btw. It doesn't have enough Skill Multiplier in my Opinion. I would greatly appreciate suggestions which Girls i could aim for to get in the near Future here.
    I still have one Rainbow Ticket which lets me pick up anything up to Threeleaf Arrowhead. Any ideas guys whom to pick?
    I must say i am really interested in Meconopsis.
    Maybe for the Kerria Team. Problem is with my available Girls i wouldnt have enough Crit Chance as it is.
    For Kerria's team, I'll see one thing with your girls available:
    Golden Lace
    Black Locust Bride
    5th girl

    Golden Lace bring miss debuff to help with evasion and ATK debuff in case you take a hit.
    Purslane adds even more evasion and Crit
    Black Locust bride adds more Crit and pursuit. Pursuit cheap damages is always a good thing.
    As 5th girl, Meconopsis could be great but I may prefer Juneberry. Adds even more crit and even more evasion. And heal when you evade.

    In a intercept team, you don't care about skill that much. you're aiming to do damages with intercept, not skills. Pretty much everything without precison buff will die unless it has billions of HP forcing you to reach in internal turn limit after 1 hour long fight.
    As improvment, you can replace Kerria with Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion). she is a must have for intercept teams.
    I really love Usagigoke (Swimsuit) too as she can stack special evasion over time and gives retain HP. With Evade and Miss rate, you become virtually unkillable after a while.

    For the Cactus team, it looks good on paper. But I don't know. hard stuff somehow reached a state where you needs to deal milions and milions of damages to be effective (serioulsy, on Castle floor 190 the boss has around 200M HP and 10 turns to burn them. With guts, special evasion and wihout dying first obviously). But it worth a try anyway. even if it don't works on hard stuff, beating everything else is always fun.

    Hmm Corbett should come maybe in March right??? I have to just save up 250 FGs for her then???
    It's more like... 500. You get the pitty ticket at the 110th roll. Or you can be lucky and get her early (of be not and get two of her on the 10th roll+the ticket. It totally didn't happened on my Zinnia).
    Last edited by maotd; 01-30-2023 at 10:50 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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