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  1. #1

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    I have a few Questions Guys.

    I want to fill in Team 1 here which atm. consists of Apple (June Bride), Sigilaria and Maple (Swimsuit).
    I know there are better Attackers than Maple but i invested to much in her already than to just not deploy her in my Squads and she is still Waifu as well even though it kinda urks me that there is not a Version of her which is a bit Stronger. Doesn't have to be OP like others but yeah i digress already...

    Anyway i thought for one of the last two spots Adlay when she comes back because of her Huge Shield Buff, Healing Powers and cause she is in generell a really strong Support Healer.

    Not sure about the last spot though. I thought about either Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit) or Nipplewort (Dog Ear Postergirl).

    With Rainbow Rose the Team would be a bit more substainable longterm cause she has Skilldrain but with Nipplewort it's a bit more Offensive and she provides 2xNegate.

    What's your opinon? Maybe something completly different?

    Also my Intercept Team is not as good as i thought. Juneberry gets KOed way to fast especially on the Ancient Flower Knight Maps. How would you guys change this Team and for which girls should i aim to get?? (Tried to get the new Hit Type Easter Girl with five 11 Rolls but got only salt)

    Maybe Red Spider Lily (School) but whom should i kick out?

    Team 1
    New Flower Tactica [aka share your best teams here]-screenshot-24-.jpg
    Team 2
    New Flower Tactica [aka share your best teams here]-screenshot-25-.jpg

    I look forward to Golden Week so i would appreciate some Input what i should try to get
    Last edited by Wutan; 04-02-2023 at 12:31 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #2

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    Maple Swimsuit is far from the best attacker but why not. There is not only stupildy hard stuff anyway. I'm sure she can be good somewhere.
    Your teams options seems not that bad. Sigilaria+Adlay would help Maple for sure. Almost anything can be good with Adlay anyway.
    RRose swimsuit is nice but HP drain will be peanuts without Adlay. Enemies hit so hard. Looks like Nipplewort Dog bring a bit more power and usefullness but once again, you will certainly need Adlay to survive long enough to stack five Crit buff.
    Another girl I really like to use (if you didn't miss her reprint. She is an event 6*) is Spring Star Parallel Academy. I think she could kinda works with RRose Swimsuit before you can get Adlay. Or with Nipplewort too.

    For intercept I used the exact same team and had the exact same problem with Juneberry. I replaced Purslane and Black Locust Bride by Usagigiku & Usagigiku swimsuit. The team became almost unkillable but lacks a lot of power. Expect >30min long fights.
    Intercept works well on Adlay and Zinnia map but not on the others. They can be good for Honeysuckle if you have something to kill her after she goes below 30% HP (or 10?).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #3

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    Yeah. I don't know maybe it's time for an Ability Adjustment for old Units again. In general i dislike Power Creep. Maybe i will get this Pavonia if she ever appears in the Rainbow Crystal Shop cause i have quite a few of these hoarded and recently i got a Maple (Vanilla) Dupe

    Usagigiku i could get right now but i might wait. The Devs throw crazy units atm. at us.

    Springstar i was able to get during her Reprint cause i read from one of your Post that she is good and i agree

    Unfortunately she is in my Cattleya Team atm. together with Vervain and Thunberg Spirea. I try to complete this Team when i get Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland).

    I am just not used to this new Meta that basically only one Girl or max. two Girls gets Buffed till there is no tomorrow and the Rest is only support. In the Past it was always more like this that the whole team was buffing each other.

    New Honeysuckle looks insane as well so it's difficult not getting tempted roll the Wheel of (Mis)fortune

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #4
    @ Wutan

    After playing this game for a while, I believe this game has a simple powercreep strategy where the devs make limited units stronger than (most) unlimited units. So just summoning for limited units will keep me up to date easily, in fact despite being a newbie, I've managed to beat all endgame contents by cherrypicking strong units only.

    And yes the new Honeysuckle is even better than her OG version, 60% miss, 12x intercept is something else, and 100% act again, in a good team she'll demolish the enemies.

  5. #5

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    Yep I totally agree with you. Of course it's also money related and plays into the psychological factor to not miss out and hoping players will buy Extra Gems if their stock is low. Even though to be fair i would say FKG is way more generous than most other Gacha Games.

    I think there was a Change in the Dev Team though over the years cause i remember back then it was not like this. You only had like limited units like Monkshood with Serial Codes.

    I like that the game has a bit more complexity than it had back then when you could demolish everything with Crit but i dislike a bit that it makes old Units a bit obsolete especially when you invested in them like i did with Dressblooms and what not.

    We had an Ability Shake Up in the past and i hope we might get a new one some time down the line. Cause as it is right now it's not really about getting a Rainbow anymore and be happy but getting the right ones.

    Of course with so many Girls available by now it's really difficult to balance everything

    I am not entirely Free To Play and occassionally buy good deals i think are worth it but no way would i start to whale hardcore
    I just do this to fill up my Squads a bit faster and to catch up a bit with you guys hehe
    Last edited by Wutan; 04-04-2023 at 02:48 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #6

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    Wutan> I'm waiting for that next Ability Adjustment for a while now. For both old 6* and promoted 5*. We really need it and old girls really needs to shine again. It's sad to get old and not that old rainbows in the gacha and insta bench them.

    I like that new meta. It's more complex and team building is more interesting. Most hard fights appears like a puzzle where you have to find the good combinaison of girls. And seeing how others solve the same puzzle with totally different approach is really cool. But sometimes I miss the old time when you just randomly put girls with similar abilities to deal with things.

    I don't really like that agressive power creep (especially without rebalancing old units) but I can understand why devs do that. The game is free to play but devs have to make money anyway. Whit that many girls, it would have no sense to get new girls (other than collection) if they were just almost all the same (it will be hard to have that much variety with the old style). And game will be boring fast without increasing endgame difficulty.

    I agree with you. I don't like that rain of limited gacha units (and limited gacha units at all) nor centering the game on a handful of broken (limited) girls. As you said, it's more about getting the good 6* instead of your waifu 6*. And it totally broke the purpose of the promotion system as side effect.
    The game was never balanced anyway. It's just way more visible now with too much gap of power between SS+ tier girls and the others.

    But the game is still very playable without spending money and is still very generous. Maybe more than it was in the past. There is less apologems and less special campaigns but I think we have way more regular gems overall. I don't play other gacha games but I'm not sure thatre is that much games that let you reach endgame so easily without paying.

    NBPEL> Not counting ancient knights and Sigilaria, I feel like limited and not limited 6* are very comparable since the Parallel Academy events. But yes, the powercreep is insane and spending all your gems on weekly gacha is almost a fail-proof way to win.

    Cherrypicking was always a thing and it very powerful. And actually, I like it. Being able to cherrypick make the game doable for anyone and avoid the pay-to-win trap.
    That's just there is way too much cherry to pick now. And they get quickly bad by the time you can ensure them with 30FG gacha.

    Honeysuckle Easter is what Honeysuckle should have been. Now, we need a better Bamboo as Bamboo June Bride. And a nice Zinnia Swimsuit.
    Last edited by maotd; 04-04-2023 at 03:29 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #7

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    Hmm it seems like the Game wants like to "encourage" me Building a Solar Blast Team. Seriously almost every FM i get is Solar Blast related and then i got recently with 2 DMM Point Deals 2 Solar Blast Units...Scotch Broom and this one:


    I don't know i think i have to get Mimosa maybe because of her Negate.
    Current Solar Blast Units i have are Scotch Broom, Dogwood, Coral Bush and this new Girl.

    Anyone an idea what i should aim for or are Solar Blast Units in general kind of meh atm???

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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