Oh my! Jack is in 2021 stones and not 2022. She is clearly from 2022 new year event but I guess new year count as year's last event and not year's first event. It's kind of understandable. New year event stat before new year. I'm really sorry for the confusion. I think knew it and I totally forgot about this. I feel really bad right now
Well, at least Pin Cushion is a good one too.
I think we should be able to check the girls available with the stones BEFORE getting thoses stones. Or learn about that failure and remember that stones are from event next to New year to next new year event.

Even if it may be a bug and sad for poor Bamboo, I'm glad she found a niche as unexpected support. I agree, Adlay, Zinnia and Corbett are a bit boring. They are kind of the universal answers to any problem like Cattleya was before. I like them and I'm glad they are here to bruteforce things but it's not really fun to always steamroll everything.
Adlay fit in 99.9% of the teams (except Solar Teams and Bloss Teams). She is almost mandatory for any major threats. Her defensive AND offensive power is so insane. For me, she is by far the best girl of the whole game since she was introduced. Zinnia is a bit less versatile though. She is insanly good but not that much in more defensive teams.

I love my team Luluna and it was my best answer for a while. But using Corbett instead gives me far better and brainless results
Teams I really enjoy right now are my Tritoma and Dendrobium based teams:

Not that much powerful but they are perfect for running the EX event maps and clearing everything in one turn. It's so satisfying to throw 100M damages with Tritoma on maps supposed to be high level challenges. Thoses everyday teams are the bests.