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  1. #51

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    No Problem
    I was really surprised about it and i stumbled upon on it on Accident really and i only really looked for Teams with Dracaena in it...

    The 22 Flower Exchange Stone is Scammy btw. I rolled the Gacha till 55/110 and you can't exchange for Jack in the Pulpit
    Only Girl i could get was Pincushion...She is good of course but not worth 200 Stones cause i don't need her for any of my Teams

    I don't know why the Devs do it like this but not being able to choose from the entire pool of 5* Knights for 2022 is kind of scammy and disappointing. Not gonna lie

    About Bamboo: Yeah she is definetly the worst Ancient Knight but on the other hand, i really enjoy "fringe" unexpected teams like this.
    Adlay and to a certain degree Zinnia and Corbett are kind of "boring" i guess?

    I mean you can throw them basically in any team (especially Adlay and Zinnia) and it often times means an instant win or at least an unbalanced Power Upgrade and you see the same kind of "Cookie Cutter Build" everywhere with a lot of the Helper Squads. I like when a Team has a Unique Spin to it you know (for example yours has a cool touch and is unique with you using Luluna).

    I will also build this Standard Team with Corbett, Zinnia, Adlay, Cymbidium (Cat Ear) and Sigiliaria but make also an Alternative one with a more Personal Touch
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-14-2023 at 04:14 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #52

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    Oh my! Jack is in 2021 stones and not 2022. She is clearly from 2022 new year event but I guess new year count as year's last event and not year's first event. It's kind of understandable. New year event stat before new year. I'm really sorry for the confusion. I think knew it and I totally forgot about this. I feel really bad right now
    Well, at least Pin Cushion is a good one too.
    I think we should be able to check the girls available with the stones BEFORE getting thoses stones. Or learn about that failure and remember that stones are from event next to New year to next new year event.

    Even if it may be a bug and sad for poor Bamboo, I'm glad she found a niche as unexpected support. I agree, Adlay, Zinnia and Corbett are a bit boring. They are kind of the universal answers to any problem like Cattleya was before. I like them and I'm glad they are here to bruteforce things but it's not really fun to always steamroll everything.
    Adlay fit in 99.9% of the teams (except Solar Teams and Bloss Teams). She is almost mandatory for any major threats. Her defensive AND offensive power is so insane. For me, she is by far the best girl of the whole game since she was introduced. Zinnia is a bit less versatile though. She is insanly good but not that much in more defensive teams.

    I love my team Luluna and it was my best answer for a while. But using Corbett instead gives me far better and brainless results
    Teams I really enjoy right now are my Tritoma and Dendrobium based teams:

    Not that much powerful but they are perfect for running the EX event maps and clearing everything in one turn. It's so satisfying to throw 100M damages with Tritoma on maps supposed to be high level challenges. Thoses everyday teams are the bests.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #53

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    Oh ok then i apologise to the Devs for saying these things
    I thought for a moment they split the available Units in Half for 2022...I mean Pincushion would be good in a Bloss Line Up right??? i don't have Bloss though and well it's to much Work for me to Build an Entire Squad out of 20 Blossom Hill Units. I know for One Lane Maps you could just fill the Roster even with 3* but i know me...If i start something i want to have the "Real Deal"...

    I mean it was my decision to roll till the Stone and i shouldn't have done it anyway cause 200 Stones for a 5* is to much anyway and at least out of the four rolls i got Boronia out of it

    I thinks she is kinda good with Dracaena and White Birch???


    I am really at a Crossroad Situation atm.
    Depending if i can manage to get 2 Adlays then i will go with a Team consisting of Garden Phlox, Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), Heather (Swimsuit), Rose (Hotspring) and Adlay...if i can't manage this i will go the Bamboo Route and try to get her and not Gardenphlox.

    When do you think Adlay will come back??? Sadly i am at 404 Gems now...Do you think i will manage stocking up to 500 till Adlay arrives???

    Yeah Adlay is also one of the very few units which has the "Maintain HP" Skill. This is for me her biggest Selling Point really.

    Erghh i just might go with Heart Tree instead of Jack in the Pulpit. I mean i soon have two 15% Crit Rate Flowermemories unlocked and in Combination with Zinnia i will reach 80% anyway...I think Heart Tree is offensively even a bit better with her Atk Buff and she has 30% Damage Debuff.

    Yeah i am stuck really on the Ancient Knight Maps and i think without Adlay i can't beat them. At least i managed to climb the Castle till Floor 198 now but atm i am stuck on this floor as well.

    My current Dendrobium Team looks somewhat similar to yours i think atm. but for Tritoma i have to wait a long while till she comes back i guess.

    I apologise btw. for my HelperSquad but my Teams are just not finished yet...

    Personally would you go for Gardenphlox or the Team with Khebri i shared???
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-14-2023 at 07:00 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #54
    To use Pincushion easily and carelessly you probably need Adlay or Bloss, because both your team and enemy team will hit harder, and if not you get lower than 100% HP very quickly and lose all the buffs from Pincus.

    Adlay will be soon imo, the devs planned to have a Bridal Bamboo for us this month or next month, and they're reruning another Ancient knight circle. Hopefully they will do Bamboo justice this time because her OG is unusable, so far:

    - Easter Honeysuckle: Very good | OG: Average
    - Valentine Adlay: Average | OG: Godtier
    - Bridal Bamboo: ??? | OG: Meh
    - ??? Zinnia: ??? | OG: Godtier
    - ??? Corbett: ??? | OG: Very good
    Last edited by NBPEL; 05-14-2023 at 07:41 AM.

  5. #55

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    Pincushion works perfectly with Bloss but goes well with Adlay too. And I guess she can be used with any girls with Retain HP. She is basically high risk high reward but as long as you keep your HP above 100% (not that hard with Adlay) she is an incredible support.
    I'm pretty sure she can have a place in evade teams too. I don't know if she is worth the stones but at least, she is not a total waste.

    Boronia looks a bit average (would be better with combo hit insted of pursuit). She lacks something to really stand out. I guess she is too old despite being a loli.

    You should be able to get at least 35FG this week (14 from the new event, 15 from weekly gems and 6 from 300% on the new girl). Maybe more if we get the permanent Decisive Battle with Midgardsormr (I don't remember when it's planned, I guess it's somewhere in May). And you can get even more depending on how much girls you have with 0% affection and personnal quest not done yet.

    I guess Adlay will came back soon. she is the next one on the Ancient Knight list. Just hope that devs don't realese all the others limited girls before... or realese Adlay/Garden Phlox/Tacca too close (this would be the worst).
    I think she is the basic must have now. I hope she will came back soon but not too soon before you can get 500 FG.

    For Jack, you could try focusing on Blossom Hill for world research. Not like it works but it could increase your chances a tiny bit. Or burn a LOT of salt tickets and pray. I somehow always get all my missing 5* when I burn them at the end of the year (but I use like 3k).
    Sadly I think devs will only give 22 stones on gacha now. Anyway, you may get her before Heart Tree came back.

    And for the teams plans, that's so hard to tell. there is so much options, so much potential new hardest stages in the future and things evolve way too fast. In the past a good team can stay good for a long time but now, a good team today can be outclassed in a week.
    I think, you should focus all on Adlay and once you got her, think about the meta at this time. If she cam in a month or two, things may have changed a lot with Khepri friends.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #56
    Adlay is truly broken, the event map doesn't even scratch my team, they stand zero chance with the addition of Adlay, guess I'll share my Adlay team:

    - Pincushion: Great debuffs and no brain skill activation x3, don't need to care about skill acti anymore
    - Adlay: Despite of having only str buffs, her buff is really strong, but the best thing about her is the unkillable factor, for your whole team
    - Easter Honeysuckle: Great attacker with great 60% miss
    - Corbett: Top tier beatstick
    - Dusty Miller School: Extra crits + 200%+ crit damage + damage nullify

    Dusty Miller slot is flexible, I guess she can be replaced with a attribute support or Zinnia (currently in team 2).
    Last edited by NBPEL; 06-05-2023 at 03:00 PM.

  7. #57

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    My new team to farm Core 6*:

    - Flowering Peach Halloween (support)
    - Spring Star School (support)
    - Adlay (support)
    - Zinnia (support)
    - Corbett (attacker)
    With that, Flowering peach gives her nice x1.8 skill act. Core boss don't hit hard enough to break through Adlay+Spring Star wall so, I don't need any debuff.
    It's not as effective as Tritoma to beat the regular enemies but they don't have 3 turns restrictions and go through the guts wall faster. Ancient Knights are definitively better in any cases.

    Adlay is on another level of brokeness indeed. For me she sit at the top of the top tier since she was released. She even deserve her own tier.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #58
    I think Helianthus is my premium Tritoma replacement, and she is not even as good ? But Japanese players use her

    I'm trying to compare this 2 teams:

    Pincushion, Adlay, Easter Honeysuckle, Corbett, Dusty Miller School


    Pincushin, Adlay, Roman, Cattleya, Bluet (alt)

    It's turn ramping vs pink damage. I kinda want to find a non-ramp attacker to replace Corbett, I think Corbett is strong but her ramping puts a lot of pressure on her teammates to provide skill activation buffs and defensive buffs.

    - Twinleaf is strong but I guess she's too selfish.
    - Khepri is really good actually
    - Pavonia is probably good
    Last edited by NBPEL; 06-06-2023 at 07:37 AM.

  9. #59

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    I don't have Helianthus. She looks good but I think Tritoma is still better. Or at least, deal way more damages.

    Corbett needs good support but she is better than the others. Her damage potential is just insane. As long as Adlay+Zinnia are here, she is free to take her time and do her stuff.
    If you must split your teams and want to use Adlay and Zinnia in other teams, she could be replaced. But if you need only one team, there is no reasons to use another girl.

    The new Ivy Bride sounds like another good mate for Cattleya. That 5% combo damage for 1 magic attacker is so sweet.
    The good team would be Cattleya/Ivy Bride/Angraecum/Vervain (or Chamomille)/Adlay.
    Last edited by maotd; 06-06-2023 at 09:48 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #60
    Angraecum looks better than Bluet Sparkling I guess, but the main problem in above team is having too many magic users so Angraecum's buffs can't target the right units, Ivy Bride looks great but I don't have enough resource for her atm, gotta wait for her discount gacha later on. For now I'll stick with:

    Pincushin, Adlay, Roman, Cattleya, Bluet (alt)

    I tested this team and they also beat event EX single-handedly.

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