My red ship base is 1.096M, helpers add anywhere from 70-100k. I've never lost my first squad, but it's been close a couple of times (way to hold that line Alpinia!). Like you, I've not had the whaleship fall below 30%.
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I can only grind 6-4
I got lucky w/ RNG for 6-5 - sometimes, the Whale doesn't like to do special moves all the damn time LOL
If you can't farm 6-5, do 5-5 instead of 6-4 ;)
Exactly, if you don't have a good success rate on 6-5, stick with 5-5, you loose only 21 medals but you get them.
And to add to the discussion:
980k for my Slice team, with a good helper between 94-97k, I loose about 25% of 6-5.
So yeah, back to farming some gold coins to level up the girls, these last 2 weeks took a heavy toll on my stash.
edit: screw that, I'm gonna stick to 5-5 to get some Flowering Hearts. I don't have enough 2nd affection girls.
I run it at 1.25~1.27M will little issue.... the real big thing about it is the equipts
the difference between a "1.2M" and a "1.25M" is kind of misleading because that extra 50k might be defense. HP inflates the TP and makes you stressed out when you think you should be preforming better than you are. Atk and def are the key stats... and thus level your equipts..
I can farm 6-4 fine. It rewards moar than 5-5