OK you convinced me, I picked up Purslane with my ticket. I want to see the lolicon violence of which you speak:silly:
She can suck up some ampys until she blooms:rofl:
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Ayy just make a full Huei Nazuki team
Attachment 11574
unfortunately im missing:
Nerine (Bride)
Pitahaya (Halloween)
I could've gotten them all excepte for Pitahaya if I bought the 5 star exchange tickets
to make a team full of bubblegum rainbow chicks, fully ampy
Well, Kerria is now lv80...
and thanks to that Cacao Dupe I rolled, there's this:
Attachment 11597
so I now have 6 rainbows of every type, which are:
Magic- Lycoris, Helenium, Iberis, Scotchbroom, Sakura, Epidendrum (Swimsuit)
Pierce- Mei Plumblossom, Mistletoe, Burning Bush, Loquat, Snowdrop, Bush Clover
Hit- Dendrobium, Cactace, Cherry, Lagurus, Ghostweed, Cacao
Slice- Wax Vine, Fritillaria, Kerria, Herbaceous Peony, Acacia, Dusty Miller
All of them are as far as they can get except Mistletoe (lv62 bloomed), and Epi Swim (just got her so she's untouched).
My next picks for rainbows if I get the chance to choose is Dogwood, Daisy, and Pumpkin... Maybe Cattelya, Miko Lycoris, and Easter Helenium for waifu reasons later on....