Meh, got 12 4*...
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Special Gacha: A Step to New Year Gacha [December 31 - January 1]
...$112 for 2 5* exchange tickets (you could get 3 for $20 with previous deals!), 2 6* exchange tickets (basically only slightly better than their base price, not really much of a holiday deal) and 32 gacha rolls at the really crappy initial rates (including mostly 3*s).
I guess that deal's for someone, it sure ain't for me.
Edit: I feel the weekly New Year Celebration gacha is a better deal by far; less than half the price for half the exchange tickets, with a bonus of 70 rainbow medals, gold skillbloom and dressbloom, rainbow skillbloom and dressbloom, and on top of all that your 28 gacha rolls (only a few less gacha rolls than the new deal) have the better 3 / 17 / 80 rates with the 3*s excluded and a 3% chance for rainbows.
There are 10 pulls with 5-Stars & 6-Stars only. You could get really lucky, but it's certainly a gamble. And not one that most people could afford anyway.
You'd think they'd be smart enough to openly advertise the fact that the last two stages were 5* and 6*s only in the main image for the gacha event, rather than burying it in the fine print. "5x Flower Knight" in the image sounds much, much worse.
I still think the weekly gacha is the better deal, if only because I'd much rather invest in guaranteed skillblooms and dressblooms than random 5* gacha rolls. With the latter, you risk just getting a bunch of copies of the 5*s you already own and have maxed skills / equipment slots for. Plus, you have to spend over $100 just for the privilege to begin the 5-6* only rolls. Before then you're stuck with really crappy odds for everything else.
This new gacha.... it's just bad.
Special Gacha: Flowers Gone Wild [January 1]
Finally, a Flower Gem Gacha. I like it, I'm probably going to give it a shot. 50FG for 6 pulls of 5 Stars and 6 Stars with those rates :love:.