Well, it's Sunday, but I can't figure out how to buy a ticket...
EDIT: Ah, there we are. Had to click on the "3,000 gold prize pool" line. Which gave no indication it was a link. No matter...
Well, it's Sunday, but I can't figure out how to buy a ticket...
EDIT: Ah, there we are. Had to click on the "3,000 gold prize pool" line. Which gave no indication it was a link. No matter...
Last edited by MalusCorvus; 09-09-2018 at 12:24 PM.
How about leaving out everything unrelated to the event, please.
Any other issues may be brought up with me in private.
The "Sell Back" button in your shop inventory.
181 tickets so far. Kind of wonder why it is not a XX0 number but whatever.
Anywho, at 10 tickets, that is a 15% chance of getting one of the prizes.
That is the same as yoloing a gold or rainbow right now in fkg priority gacha.
Probably not with my luck, but is considerably high chance atm.
Edit: 212 tickets puts one down to a 13.2% chance but still Hype!
Or a 0.00777% chance of winning all 3. :smug:
Last edited by Ampchan; 09-11-2018 at 10:06 PM.
Flower Knight Commander | IGN: Ampchan | FKGID: 300316473 | Discord Name: Ampchan
Total Power: 658K | 41/52 Current Allies | Level 165 | FKG Discord Channel
OKAY! so apparently there is some bug with the auto PMing feature of this mod. It keeps sending out more mails, even long after the draw has already been made, and to people that were not chosen as winners. Some people got it multiple times.
This is a problem.
Aw... well, that's extremely disappointing. I got a couple of the "winner" PMs myself. At least the actual winners can be viewed on the raffle page...
I also received one of those winning mails just now, the funny thing is that I already read the results before checking my mail, so it was a bit confusing.![]()