This game started out as one of my favorites on Nutaku. The girls/artwork are some of my favorite of any game, the events are frequent and winnable, and the game play itself is fun (when the RNG is working). However, as time has gone on, I've found this game to be more and more of a pain in the ass. Dates become legitimately impossible to win without martinis, which is a major problem now that they require you to unlock girls by placing in tournaments. Also, the gacha has some really great stuff, but the frequency of item drops is far too much (and they've added way too many BS costumes like a feather for a girl's hair). That's frustrating when some girls are gacha only. Also, this game desperately needs a "refresh" button because far too many times you get stuck in a level moving three dots at a time with no chance at a winnable board. Some great positives with this one, but difficulty needs to be scaled back a bit.