Hello people, just joined recently though have been sponging around for almost 2 yrs now. With Nutaku turning 2yrs old and increasing number of games being offered, i'm sure we all have a hard time sampling them all - not to mention the flood of events we get. I'm sure all of us have our own opinions and favorites, but what I'm interested in talking about here is not the common rants experienced by everyone, things like RNG, breakdown in tech, etc. I'm talking about the more domestic stuff - such as tastes and gaming experience.

Well to start the ball rolling, i'd go about my personal gripe about the hentai games currently hosted by Nutaku. On the whole, I've had a very satisfying gamin experience, but my primary gripe about the hentai games is that most of them, with the exception of a few, introduce us to the very first companion character - and then leave us hanging. Yes, i'm talking about the introductory tour guides that tutor us through the game: Navi from LoV, Anna from aegis, Maron from angelic saga, etc... For goodness sake, these are characters you see every day when you log in for the bonuses, even if you hate their guts, there's no way you wouldn't want to get intimate with them at least once - but nope... they're so close to you that they're almost like your siblings, say the game designers. Let's bring the Westermark effect to the hentai gaming world... you're supposed to feel icky about touching or kissing those companions.

So with LoV coming to a close this month, I've ended my short time with the gals I rescued from... I'd never forget them all, least of all the one that got away, yeah Navi, sorry we just ain't meant to be together.