I like brothel sim games. The types where each time you unlock a girl, she is living in your house. These girls walk about the house and every now and then they do something. When prompted, you can click on them to get something, but for the most part its like the sims. You can have mini games to gain cash, and after completing a game, you have to wait a certain amount of time to play again.

I also like Harvest moon games, similar to that farming one. The difference is the crops can mutate, given the right season and planting specific ones next to each other. You can date the girls in town by visiting their homes, and you need some kind of mini game to waste time as your waiting for the crops to grow (similar to the current farm game)

Lastly, i like card games. There was a card game way back at the start of Nutaku, which was pretty cool. I lost interest because the events were too far apart, and the gameplay seemed stagnant since it was almost automatically throwing your cards for you. I like yugioh, magic, and pokemon to name a few card games. Wouldnt it be cool to have something like heartstone, or a Leauge of legends team fight tactics type game