Quote Originally Posted by Ericridge View Post
No Gacha.
Honestly, I don't particularly mind gacha, as long as you're guaranteed a highest rarity unit in a 10+1 pull. I probably spent ~$1k on FKG, but only when the Gacha (or stepup) guaranteed I'd get a max rarity girl.

However, I will never ever ever spend a penny on a gacha otherwise.

Anyways, good H game?

1. Good H artwork. This is where quite a few of the games fail. (Girls on Tanks was the most recent bad art. BGR, IIRC, is my favorite so far, but the gameplay/upgrading got irksome.)
2. "Gameplay" that gets out of the way. I am not playing ANY of these games for the gameplay. If I want good gameplay I'll play a real game on my PS4 or PC. Set up the team/squad/whatever, then autoplay and see if I win. Also, if there is upgrading, it needs to be streamlined, if not completely automatic. i.e. Kamihime desperately needs an option to auto enhance rare & normal into prefered (user selected) optimal item, (i.e. fire Eidolon into fire eidolon, axe into axe) 90% of the reason I stopped playing that game was how time consuming it was to upgrade "correctly".
3. Long enough "recharge" that I'm not wasting energy while working/sleeping. (say, ~10 hours)