Leisure suit Larry and Huniepop is a successful adult video game that is made in the west.

Huniepop does contain profanity. It might not be your thing. But according to steam review, it was overwhelmingly Positive (10,115 reviews)

Leisure suit Larry is a comedy adventure video game that contains sex and nudity. I watched some hilarious death on Youtube which is very funny and creative.

Personally as a huge fan of western cartoon and anime. Both west and japan are really good at making sexy character.

In the west, we have Jessica Rabbit, Betty Boop, Catwomen, Harley Quinn, Holli Would, Martian Queen(Looney Toons Duck Dodgers), Female characters from Overwatch and Dark Queen(Battle Toads).

In Japan we have Mai shiranui, Morrigan Aensland, Samus Aran, Female character from Senran Kagura, Dead Or Alive and Tekken.

All in all it really depends on creator. Whether they wanted to make sexual content for money, or build it with effort, care and passion.