They have mismanaged some games,

Senpro was paywalled up and a grindfest and by the time they loosened their grip most people had moved on - so it died of greed

X-over was odd, very grindy, and the cost of anything was far to high - I tried to stick it out but as I couldn't put the time or money into it I feel behind the curve - one of the events curb-stomped me so it was time to 'git gud' pay up or walk away - so it was not causal friendly and again whale fishing

Idol Warz, maybe wrong audience as Idols aren't that well known in west ? Very bright very colourful lots of 'noise' I kinda got confused and left, beyond that I hear it become a pay or be left behind - the 'free' idols never competed with the pay....

Other games I played

Pero - geared 100% towards long term players - breaking into the swing of the game would take lots of time, getting good lots more time, and it also was whale fishing - while I think another 6 months in I'd start doing OK on events - it's really hard for a newbie - you can break into the game and do OK within 8 - 9 months I think, but I didn't really enjoy the humour so wasn't gonna spend the time. Some nice art mind :-/

Army girls/white mofo(sp) - ramped up difficulty early, wasn't hugely enjoying either so tapped out quickly- art style in army girls was off, and I wasn't gonna put the time in, Mofo - confusing story, weird ideas and looked like I'd need to devote time agian, art ws meh, so again left

Fap - I got nothing out of it playing for a few hours, and felt like a spectator more then a hero - seemed heavy pay motivated

Pussy saga - The paywall - too greedy and bad clone of a good game

I still play FKG, Moe and Harem Heroes, mostly the other 2 as fillers

Over all Nutaku need to focus a little more on causal play, and free to play - IMHO - but they obviously want the whales