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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotono View Post
    That would be true if I was selling anything on there via paypal. But I'm not selling anything there at all.

    In fact, that site is not linked to my paypal in any way.

    I've already sent them a message, so will just see what they say. Taking some time for a response, apparently.
    The Anime Fortune FAQ has you stating that you are currently funding that site's operations by selling premium accounts for TStorage, which is a file-sharing site. It looks like you're handling the money from that on some other service, but from the first paragraph of the email, that seems to be where they think the money in your account is coming from.

  2. #22
    About paypal and this kind of stuff, is legit to trade something in the forum?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    About paypal and this kind of stuff, is legit to trade something in the forum?
    Yes, that is fine.

    Also an update on this issue:

    They are letting have a new account, but all my bank/card information is still stored in the old account. I cannot link the same card/account to a second paypal account, and I can't unlink my stuff from the old account because of the limitation. The limitation is for a total of 6 months, so I can't do it until then.

  4. #24
    The only way to short that time is via shitstorm as happened with other false positives.


    In your case, you should prove that your paypal account is not involved with your anime site but this fan site.
    Last edited by chillinfar; 09-16-2015 at 01:30 AM.

  5. #25
    Alright, so we had a short chat about this in the shoutbox a bit earlier today, and it seemed everyone there was in favor or at least not openly opposed to this.

    This offer is just going to be discontinued. For one, I can't pay right now anyway because of the issue with my old account being suspended. It won't let me disconnect my banking info while the suspension is in place. Aside from that, ad revenue is very low at this point - especially with 80% of pageviews having an adblocker active. The funds to pay all the credits are just not there.

    And there is also an issue that is preventing some members from gaining any credits whatsoever. I've been unable to figure that one out ever since I noticed it. According to all the settings, there should not be any reason these users don't gain anything.

  6. #26
    Did you recovered your account Kotono? I noticed a donate button in the main page.

  7. #27
    I have a new account now. My old one is still suspended and it will remain that way.
    The button was added because others were expressing interest in having one available.

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