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I can give you a top 10 cards list if you want, and why i like each card.
Like someone said before, your goal at the start is to beat campaign levels for the common cards. When that gets too hard, back track to get the green uncommon cards. Replace your deck with the green ones, and you can start leveling some of these (like trainer or wedding ring if you have those). Your main goal is to be strong enough to get rare blue cards from the campaign.
Obviously, when you get blue cards, replace alot of your green ones with it. Then level those up till you can beat the last star of the first level (so you can grind out viagra to level more cards).
Here are my top 10 that i have and why you want to use them:
Legendary Rider
This is a hard one to come across, so i understand if you dont have one yet. If you log on daily for 21 days, you get one free. I actually got one from the 50 gem gacha, and im about to get another in 2 days. This card is awesome because she has 5 bdsm, which if you can play her first and use an item on her, she will only get stronger each round. Downside is she starts at 7 health, and even at lvl 7 she still only has 13 hp (very low and easy to kill if she cannot 1HKO. The item is important unless you know she can 1HKO. I use the Miss Gadget avatar, which helps boost the attacks by 4 atm. Fuses with my 3 items
EPIC ITEM Secretary Girl
Items are the most important, because they secure the kill and survivability of your cards. this one, when fused, gives all my cards marawana (5 to green, 7 to blue, and 8 to red), which is a life steal. Basicly after the original attack, it stabs that enemy with X, and heals my card by X (or what ever was left from the stab). The other abilities it gives the fusion differs depending on the character your using it on, but your only goal is to keep killing their first card. I only have 1 from the campaign, and i got one from the gacha
Same as above. Important to have in the deck. Both this and secratary have the F*ck YOu ability, which is a shield. That makes it easier to survive if you only have a hand of items. You can throw one out on the first round, and hope you draw a character (any that fuses) next. Another similarity is that both items can combo with all the other characters i list below, so you can use it on any character unless i say otherwise. You dont want a deck of different cards, you want a deck of alot of the same (so you dont have to worry about which fuse and dont fuse). I only have 1 from the campaign
ALSO, dont research all types of combos. Just these 3 items with everything in your hand
EPIC Proctologist
One of the abilities you want on all your cards is Bdsm, which means it grows its attack by X each turn. Very good for the first card thrown because if it can kill, it can survive. If it survives, it gets stronger, till you dont have to worry about killing power. Also gains another ability, butt plug (X rng damage). Not super helpful but chips that damage before your attack, which helps it kill the cards. You want to chip that damage because the difference will damage the enemy avatar. Note that if you fuse a card, it will not heal (but will gain hp from the fusion) and will lose any attack boosts (but will gain attack from fusion). This is a good tactic if your card has poison, but the enemy can do it too (unless you kill it first). Again she fuses with my 3 items
Another card with both bdsm and butt plug. Except butt plug is the main ability and it gains bdsm. Again fuses with my 3 items
RARE Trainer
This is high on the list for its high hp and attack, as well as her butt plug ability. She can be a good first card, but makes a great support 2nd or more since she can still damage the enemy if they are still alive. Fuses with my 3 items, and can be evolved because she drops alot from the gacha.
RARE ITEM Wedding Ring
Again, items are great. This item also has FuCk YoU, a shield. Its not as good as the other items, but still gives marawana from the fusion.
EPIC Officer
This card is like the other two, in that she has butt plug damage. She also has silicon (gives attack to person next to her when played) which makes her a support, and whip which steals attack boost if the enemy across from her has one. Not the best first card, but at higher levels can 1HKO the last star of first campaign. Can fuse with my 3 items
This one is hard to get, as you need to beat campaign 3 at 12 stars. Hopefully you can beat it twice and get two, as evolving her is recommended. She is kind of weak at the beggining, having only 16 hp at lvl 5 (easily killed if she cannot finish the enemy off). She has Bdsm. Her other two abilities are defensive (strap on weakens the enemy attack, which is good, but we dont want them to survive long enough to attack, and enema which gains hp when others fuse. Again, enemy shouldnt be able to attack anyway). Even with my strong deck, it took me a while to beat the 12 stars on campaign 3, and even at lvl 10 she is weak. her best part is that if she survives the first attack, she will be able to heal from my other cards fusing, and should hopefully be strong enough to never get attacked again.
THIS CARD CANNOT FUSE, so if she is weak, there is nothing you can do but try to fuse others to heal.
EPIC Journalist
EPIC Rebel
These last three are ok. They all fuse with my 3 items, and at level 6 do decently. If i had extras of the ones above, i would replace these with those, as these are just holding space in my deck.
The other fillers of your deck dont matter, as the ones listed above take priority. i auto play my matches alot so i have alot of confidence in the deck.
Dont use other epics not listed, and dont use any white commons. Some of my greens are filler but they are all being evolved to max so they are better than average fillers.
I am also a F2P kind of person, so all this was from grinding and no money. If you payed for cards your way better off. I dont think you can obtain certain cards unless you payed for them, as i get the same cards over and over again. Im sorry if this wasnt the details you wanted, so i can work on a table if you want. LMK