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  1. #27

    Join Date
    May 2015
    What does that have to do with anything? If it looks like one game is getting more lenient with censorship than another, it's going to draw criticism. That doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.

    What doesn't make sense is you trying to suggest that the userbase should do better. There are better ways of pointing out entitlement than using that fallacy.

    Since we're doing the Wikipedia thing now, you seem to be invoking this.

    While few (if any) of us are qualified to criticize how Nutaku handles its payment processors, that doesn't make the suggestion that they should find a better one any less justified. Particularly when the argument that other companies can localize loli material just fine keeps cropping up.

    On that note, I think we've derailed this thread long enough. It's unlikely that the users will take your advice of magically improving themselves to make their own payment processor/localization company, so this conversation is clearly going nowhere. Hell, it's unlikely that people will lose any sense of entitlement either. It goes without saying that people will still complain. I just think the complaints were justified this time since the boundaries weren't (and still aren't) clear as to what does and doesn't get censored.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 01-02-2016 at 03:16 PM.

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