Quote Originally Posted by Kotono View Post
As the artist, the freedom is yours.
If you want to propose design changes, that's fine. We can always review them to see what fits best.
Well I'd recommend going a bit darker with the color scheme, while white is neutral it does cause eyestrain over extended periods of time. I would certainly not recommend going black or anything as it's cliche and unprofessional, but something a bit darker than white would be nice IMO. Aside from that I'd recommend a forum logo or something so it doesn't look quite so plain. For me personally the current wallpaper is cut off completely so I literally just see an elbow personally, I could be an out-liar, but if that's a common problem amongst the forum goers then the wallpaper might ought to be replaced as well. Nothing major for design changes, but since the design is the first thing people see something more than a plain white board might be a slightly better hook for people to register.