So, I've been working on a side project for a few weeks now, and I'm ready to get some public feedback. This is an anime streaming website that I'm manually building, that has moved focus to only offering DVD/Blu-ray releases. I chose those mostly because they are easier to keep up with. For those that want the latest stuff as fast as possible, this website is not for you. I can't possibly keep up with the automated scripts many other sites use, or in some cases the outright larger staff. But I am determined to make a quality and speedy website for both desktop and mobile devices.

The site:

Everything I have downloaded will be added over time, and by using scheduled posting so that you don't see an entire series of 12+ episodes when looking through the newest additions. I've moved from posting an episode every 5 days down to now scheduling them every 3 days. I also intend to place download links on all of the series posts.

Please tell me what I'm missing! I'm doing all the encoding myself, so if there is a lack of quality somewhere then I'd like to know about that too. What, if anything, am I missing on the website itself?

As the name suggests, when I originally bought the domain (like 6 months ago) I had planned to do the same thing as I'm doing here. Actually, this forum kind of replaced the one I had in mind for the anime website. But still, the idea was there to reward members for continuously coming back and participating on a public forum in things like episode discussions, in hopes of drawing as much attention as I could to the site.
I might still do it too. Kind of depends on if the user base appears, and ads are profitable enough.

Truthfully, I had though of extending this forum to incorporate the anime discussions as well. But I am entirely unsure if that would really be beneficial, considering the actual use for this forum to begin with. Even so, the option is there - and I could also do it so that the anime discussions are not visible from simply accessing this domain. I can make the forums for it only visible when accessing them from a provided link.

Ideas, anyone?