Dear developer,

Please fix your trashy affection system... No one will ever get anything out of this game if it continues like this, unless they spend a crap ton of money on it. With old system at least MAYBE you could get a girl, now it's out of the question. I get that legendary/epic girls in events are harder to get and you need to get lucky if you play F2P, but this is ridiculous. Not even the common girls from the adventure is a fair chance to get, I spent over 3 WEEKS trying to get a common girl (ANY) from the adventure story in Magic Forest, and I'm quitting the game now... I'm not even 50% through with ANY of the girls from that adventure story... Thanks for ruining an otherwise fun experience prior to the new affection system update - you really fucked yourself and everybody playing this game over... I hope you at least have a few whales you can milk for money and who can't stop playing and spending money... Nobody will ever wanna actually start playing this game.

Sad to see since was favourite game on Nutaku, but now it's by far the worst game out there..

Anyway, hope you enjoy fucking up this game even more idiot devs.

Good day