Harem Heroes-jplwkhdxz.jpg
Boku Mi Maï Obtainable during Music Party 2017 event. (no longer available)
Complete 12 of the 14 Music Party missions.
Keyword here "complete".

Aymi got the kobans for completing the missions, therefore rightfully wondered why he didn't get the girl as well, since he completed 12 of the missions.

And he was polite as long as you guys didn't brought your holy righteoussness.

Now you wanna know why Aymi didn't get the reward? Because the event functionalities is a single "block", it gets deactivated at 5am so people can no longer roll pachinko or get event girls, incidentally though it means the event girl also disappears from the claim buttons on missions duly completed.

See? No lawyer talk, no comparison, no wordplay, that's just an effect of the coding. Now let's all have a drink