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Thread: Harem Heroes

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  1. #21
    I've got the upgrades at the point where each one costs about 96k for the next additional point. No idea how much more can be added beyond that point (probably a lot, I'm way below both of you).

    I've got:
    1475 charm (which is my main stat), 900 hardcore, 820 know-how
    2341 - 2910 charm attack, 735 - 1303 hardcore defense, 638 - 1206 know-how defense
    13731 endurance / 16908 ego, 22.48% crit

    And that's with my team set up as: alpha = Abrael, beta = Metal Noemy, omega = Eugenie

    Although it's basically pretty much just the alpha's stats that influence your stats to give you better battle stats. Primarily, at least. Damage and defense values are not actually randomized within a range, they're a specific value. Fights start with the lowest value indicated on the damage on defense ranges, and then after each of the other girls are added in they add specific bonuses to those values for the remainder of the fight, ending up at the top of the ranges when all three girls are active. At least that's how it's always seemed to work as far as I can tell.

    I wonder how different things will be after the big update finally hits... (Should happen sometime tomorrow, apparently?)

    Edit: My gear is half yellow stuff / half green stuff, by the way. Laurels, Jetpack Boots, and Dragon Paladin for yellow stuff. Magical Outfit, Seagull, and Katana for green stuff. Kept hoping for upgrades from contest winnings when I pushed for a decent spot in them, mostly got a lot of the gear for the other stats. I've got a collection of 12 pieces of yellow gear that are pretty much just for show / not actually useful for me.
    Last edited by MuljoStpho; 08-23-2017 at 01:51 AM.

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