Quote Originally Posted by Meiling View Post
That really sucks that the drop is so low =(

Yeah, I plan to continue leveling up (since the only way is battling and I need those girls so getting there slowly) and that's what I'm saying though, the fact that the quest stamina has no use other than the quests should be a concern as well. People that continue to play the game and will constantly be getting to the end of the story line making the quest stamina bar obsolete all the time. There should be some other way to use the stamina, aka an end game involving it or at the very least, being able to exchange quest stamina for the battle stamina. Would just be nice if there was another form of usage for it so it's not sitting there all the time when you complete the story.
Well, the girls are meant to be special. Trust me, we all wish we had all the girls.

Per stamina, a lot of the suggestions you made have been made by others.

Kinkoid is a small team which uses their free time to make the game.