listen up... you guys say BLA BLA I FIGHT 20 TIMES A DAY FOR 2 WEEKS BLA BLA BLA....

Since the beggininng of this event, I've had a script running on my computer that automatically fights the NPC I choose every 5 minutes, so basically after a while I end up at 0 battle points and the script will simply do nothing 3 out of 4 times because you get a point every 10 mins and you need 2 to do a npc battle, So granted I started the day with 0 battle points... I did 1 fight every 20 minutes for 24 hours straight, thats 72 fights a day and event's been going on for 11 days.... that means I did nearly 800 fights and out of all of thoses, I got 0 girls. Sure when I'm ACTUALLY on my computer I set the script off so it doesnt annoy me by taking control of my screen and opening pages while I'm watching a dragonball super video, but usually I think about doing my battles every 2 hours or so so I haven't missed that much fights.... but on the weekend where I leave from friday after dinner till thuesday morning and during the week when I sleep, I'm never missing a single battle, I'd say I'm very very close to an average of 68 battles a day. That's still 750 battles so far and still nothing.

I'm starting to think when you're too strong the NPC dont drop girls anymore... Because I'm level 85 atm and I have 8000 hardcore points, (due to recent 900 koban epic pachinko purchase, I got 4 SUPER SEXY items).
I'm fighting GRUNT at the moment and he still has all his girls to give me, I havent recieved any girls from him when I did the Invaded castle, and now he has 4 girls to "give out" since it's 3 normal girls + 1 event girl and out of nearly 800 battles I didnt get a single one. How's that even possible?

Is it because I have 8000 attack and he only has 3400 ego? Even when I put all girls level 1 with lowest hardcore stats and I remove all my equipement and replace it with critical increase equips (I have it already maxed at 25% due only to my high hardcore so critical doesnt do anything for me) I still have 4500 attack... I LITTERALLY COULD NOT do less damage in battle if I wanted to, so I 1 shot Grunt no matter what....

On the OLDER SYSTEM, you'd get 3x more money and xp if you would use a weaker team, but not longer after I learned that they switched to a new system, Now I'm really wondering if maxing out my stat hardcore stat at level 85 was a mistake, you can get 50 extra stat per level, plus your equipement bonus, so at 85 thats 4250 hardcore + whatever base hardcore you started with, not sure if it was 5 or 10 anyway. at 4250 each extra point costs you 12,000$ so it's VERY expensive to buy that 50 times on each level up... but so far back in the days the market had nothing to sell and there was no way to spend your money exept normal pachinko x10 I had saved up 18 million... now I'm down to 500K, I was loosing tons of money everyday and was wondering why, then I looked and realized market items had HUGELY increased in prices.... I had it set to auto-buy everything in the market everyday so I was able to cut my losses to 12 million and then used the rest to increase hardcore stats to MAXED. Only good thing is with that I managed to get my 34 girls to 3 stars.

Still the problem remains, Why, with a fight every 20 minutes, Am I not getting the special event girls? Some guys in this thread's been speaking about how easy the "first event girl" is and that is she is almost "Auto-Given" well, after 800 fights with grunt I still dont have her.... unless he means the one from Dark Lord.... But I wanted to try to get at least SOME money off of NPC fights and Lord gives 2k whereas Grunt gives 6k per battle...

I'll try to switch the script to fight Dark lord for 24h and we'll see then, there's only 3 days left to the event and I still havent gotten a single event girl. But I'm probably the furthest one ahead in the "Rivalry" chapter tho

And just a little FYI, I havent bough a single koban for this game, only got the free ones and the 25 koban a day for completing all missions.