Quote Originally Posted by reacers View Post
Let's take player A and player B, both are playing HH, FKG and OI. Player A plays 20 hours during the event week and player B plays 60 hours for each game. When the events end, player A got the 75k event Girl from OI, the 5-star event girl from FKG with only 1 equipment slot/skill level and the event girl from HH (because he is a lucky one). Now, hardcore player B got the 75k and the 150k girl from OI, the 5-star event girl with all stats maxed from FKG, but no girl from HH (because his luck sucks). The hardcore guy just wasted his energy on a chance that might not will happen in 100 years.

Even when I got the halloween juliette I think it would be better to reward the player for the amount of action and time they put into the game, instead of this "all or nothing"-mentality.

Ok so basically "yes you are right, smart feedback."
To be honest, we did not have much time to do everything we wanted for this halloween event. We're short in coding power, so already making illustrations, designs, quests, girls for the Halloween event absorbed a lot of ressources. And adding a girl to grind on a troll was a last minute improvisation because we felt bad that there was not enough fun for freemium players.
In the near future hopefully we'll have more time to do things as cool as we'd like them to be, and hopefully you'll all like it .

In details we'd like to reward players when they achieve some goals.
And in the case of specific events, we'd love to add "grinding goals" that would reward players nicely.
I'd even like to see "grinding competition" with leaderboards displaying the number of fights done by players .

Rewarding players on goals might look a bit like the quests on FKG. Or not we'll see .

Event competitions... we don't have comparisons... if you have suggestions, shoot .

HH is not a skill game, so we can't reward skills. Rewarding luck is fun to a certain extent but I understand that it's limited. So in the future we'll reward also hardcore persistant players because hey grinding a map or a boss for hours until it drops what you want is a skill in itself... I'm doing it on several games so I know how it feels :-D

Thanks everyone for showing so much interest for our game. We're just getting started. Writing world 6 is nearly finished and drawing should start soon (yay a bit of advance!). Xmas event is being defined, and I'm pushing the team for more girls, cool stuff around Xmas event. AND we're preparing more awesome gaming features so you would have a lot more things to do in HH.
Please be patient, bear with us, developping all these things will take some time... just know that we're on it, full time, full power, and we're doing our very best to satisfy you all !!!