Is world five going to be anything other than a major Goddamn Cash Sink!!!

Fuck me up the ass with a barb wire dildo running backwards!!!!! I mean FUUUCCKKKK!!!!! How many times are you gonna fucking put a hard block with a 100K+ goddamn cash barrier.

I haven't even started and I've hit 4 goddamn extortion points where I have to wait several days to earn enough fucking ransom to continue the story!!!!

Does your team seriously lack so much imagination? Are you so incapable of creating any quality content that your only solution is to frustrate the fuck out of us by stealing all of our money with these fucktard ransom points every 5 fucking screens!!?!?!? Fuck you guys if that's the best you can do!!!

It's like you can't get any real content up so your goal is to throw up 5 minutes worth of story of make it take us 30 days to get through because we have to pay out 100K+ dollars every other fucking scene!!!! FUCK YOU GUYS I'M OUT!