Hey little saturday bump
Thanks to your advices I've recently read :
Akame Ga kill

And I'm currently reading:
Trinity 7
Highschool DXD

Re:Monster is really cool, but it's just starting right? I've found only +/- 20 chapters. But could be really nice if it goes on like this
Akame Ga Kill was refreshing, some originallity was found which is rare in the shonen universe where most stories are repetitive... but it's a bit short .
DeathTopia is short and quite cool... but there I was happy that it'd finish early

I've started Trinity 7 today... the main story is soso but I like the ecchi in it... mainly because the ecchi is less in the drawing than in the story and situations, which is a rare fact

What about you all ? Any recent nice readings or watchings to share ?