Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello i made a new nutak account to figer out how many times i coud upgrade my stats per level, and how far behind i was.
my main acount is in level 52, and its starting to get quite expensiv to upgrade my stats, and i cudent finde a end to it.

so my conclution was that you can upgrade 40 times per level, and you have a basic pric of 5 and an incrise of 2 per level.
a easy formula for your last upgrae at your level is: (2x * 40 + 5)= price

make not, i only tried every level up to 6, so idk if the system changes further down the line.
Good job in necro'ing this thread which is 1.5 years old.

But as for raising your stats... you pay what is written next to the + sign. If the stat has + 1001, and you click the button to make it 1003, then you just paid 1001 in money to raise your stat. The next click will cost you 1003, then 1005, and so forth. You can upgrade as much as you have money (there is no end). It will get more expensive as you get higher levels, but you also earn more money in the later levels and worlds too.