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  1. #25

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    I didn't state anywhere that I did those 1600 fights while event was on. Not counting the new zone/troll, Gruntt is the only asshole who didn't give me all his girls. I spent over 1600 fights in-between those two events trying to get that last girl and he didn't give her.

    He dropped now event girl, and I am scared that reset my luck and I will now need to do yet another 1600 fights. Which with 0.5% drop chance assumed by some people to get a girl, means basically over 99.967% girl drop chance and yet no girl dropped.

    Also you say you beat him 6 days in a row with like 40 battles a day and he gave you all 4 girls in that time. Frankly you have no fucking clue what it means to have bad RNG on drops then to consider him bad on your end.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 04-11-2017 at 06:24 PM.

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