I wish there was other ways to join girls to the harem, right now I can win them as a random drop from epic pachinko or by defeating a world boss. There is a lot of players like me, who dont want to give their money for coins, to participate in pachinko, where the chance of winning a girl is not great either. So we are left with the option of playing numerous times the world boss and still waiting for that random drop. I have been playing for a week straight like 3 times a day and the only thing I get is useless money and gifts (used to level up the affection of the girls that i dont have...)
My suggestion is to make like a market for girls, where players can either buy them with coins or with money ( they wont be cheap - probably like 200'000 money for a girl, or the price may vary from girl to girl)
Please respond, because i think this is a serious flaw, that demotivates players!