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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU

    Game mechanics and such

    I have few questions to devs.

    Is 25% crit cap an global cap or just visual cap in character sheet? As in doesn't matter how much crit I have from stats, items, food - it will never go past 25% or can it be higher, just that in char sheet it will stay capped at 25%?

    Why if I make girl orgasm in battle, both sides get next girl added to fight? Makes doing low level/low excitement builds useless, cause with orgasm hit being only 50% bonus dmg vs normal - having each second hit be orgasm one - is still less dmg than just having all 3 out and them 3 being max level (I checked max dmg with 3 best 40 level girls vs 1 lvl alpha for fast orgasms and 2 best 40 level girls, the dmg on 3 girls out with 3 40 level ones was 50% higher, meaning each hit would be 50% higher than non-orgasm hits on 1 lvl + 2 40 levels setup)

    Why have resistance mechanics in game, when your non-primary stats raise it by only half of the stats spent vs 1:1 ratio in dmg to primary stats spent - makes primary stat better even when fighting different element enemies. Seems like its added just to make game look more complicated than it really is, or give a hope of some kind of balancing/different strategies than just go as high primary stat as possible.

    Also the resistance is always limited to low end of the range displayed - next girls don't raise resistance like they do with dmg - so the range displayed is a lie or not working and thus a bug.

    Sure you can make your resist high enough to be hit for actually no dmg at all. But trying to achieve that would make you have so low dmg, that you would stop doing dmg to your enemy before you would manage to make him do no dmg to you. Best case scenario both sides would do no dmg and create basically a never-ending fight. Are there even any kind of fight time limits, to prevent that from happening?

    Why gold, rare to get items are often far cheaper in price than green easy to get from market stuff? Heck they are sometimes cheaper than white common stuff.

    Is there a hidden mechanics behind drop chances that are connected with how much girls in your harem you already have? After I got over 30 girls, they started to drop slower and slower.

    Right now I think I am far over 2000 fights, or maybe even 3000 with no non-event girl drops at all. In a row. If speculated 0.5% drop chance is true, I should have like between 99.9955725% and 99.9999705% chance of at least one girl drop.

    So could we just have the girls drop mechanics explained/revealed?
    Last edited by Eversor86; 05-30-2017 at 12:06 AM.

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