Throw in another favorite for the Red Battlers!

1) Summer Red Battler:
I'd pick all three of her variants, but gotta show the other girls some love too! Red Battler is fiery, sexy, confident and badass to boot. The fact she also sometimes shows a more gentle or even shy side in various scenes makes her one of the more interesting personalities in the game. Hoping we get some more of her in the main story again!

2) Beach Samane/Kelina:
Aside from redheads, I have a soft spot for dark-skinned beauties. I couldn't decide between these two so I called it a tie to sneak in one extra girl in third place, haha. Sadly I don't actually have Samane's Beach variant, but the story arc Samane and Kelina belong to was quite entertaining.

3) Mountain Sophie:
Gotta love the Pokemon reference! I enjoy her design a lot and she seems like a real go-getter. Her 1-star affection pose especially sold me on her. :P