OP here,
Thanks for the info everyone. I mainly just wanted to make sure I wasn't glitching out. I'm glad to know that it was just the luck of the draw. This was the first time I was compelled to ask because I actually wanted the event girl way more than who i got. Once was just a change to Sheheramazond who i heard the original was better anyway, I remember another time I actually just liked the girl I got more than the event girl so I called that a win. I'm still hammering out my battles. At least with Dark Lord I'm covered now and before the event I got Cunegonde, who is very strong and has the sailor moon costume, so I'm not hurting for girls.

Maybe one day someone will crack the code on drop rates and we can all prosper. For now my superstition is to always buff my crit chance and put my corresponding girl to the judge on top. Sometimes I buff whatever the crown stat is but I have now idea what that does.