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  1. #1
    I seem to recall though that there was one dev who posted on here at some point something along the lines of being absolutely against ever making any event girls available again after their original event run... Although in that same post it was acknowledged that the other devs didn't feel the same way. Obviously the other devs at least gave enough pushback on the idea to offer everything up again for the game's 1 year anniversary, but that was still just a short term offer and (to put it in the same terms you did) a massive ransom note. Here's hoping that they can settle on some sort of more permanent feature.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    I'm not a fan of the concept of event boosters. Every event, most players are only interested in one or two girls. Allowing them to obtain them for free removes any incentive to spend real money on the game. What you're currently suggesting would allow players to obtain two event girls for each event. The event idol isn't the popular girl anyways and it's usually the troll drops/Epic Pachinko drops that players would want in the first place.On top of that, your suggestion would essentially allow anyone to obtain past girls if they wait long enough without having to spend a significant amount of money. This would reduce Epic Pachinko drops to costing 600 kobans instead of 900 kobans AND allow users to select who they want, which is ludicrous.

    The current system rewards players for spending kobans and obtaining past girls in the first place and your suggestion would essentially punish older players for having spent money, while rewarding free players and essentially encouraging all players not to spend money/spend very little money on the game.

    The team would basically have very little overall income if players were to obtain the 2 girls they cared about for the event in the first place for free. The game would not be self-sustainable and continue to take a loss. Please keep in mind that the game developers are working on the game full-time.

    My personal preference would be to bring back each event's specific girls in the form that the original appeared while introducing a new wave girls. This would give older players something to go for while giving new players access to the event's past girls+ new girls. There would be two event every year, once during the anniversary and once during the New Year, where players would be able to obtain past event girls through a special Pachinko for kobans at the standard costs.

    This would continue to keep the game self-sustainable while keeping everyone happy.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    "allow users to select who they want"

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    "This would continue to keep the game self-sustainable while keeping everyone happy. "

    People are NOT happy with the current format though. I'm sure that many would rather just ignore pachinko-only girls instead of shelling out the prices currently being asked for. And while we understand that RNG is a harsh mistress and sometimes the luck just isn't with you, it still stings when you get a bad streak.

    "The event idol isn't the popular girl anyways"

    I don't know about that. I consider them to be the saving grace of the event format. The very first event didn't have that yet and it was only the troll drops and the pachinko drops. It was kind of nice in the events after that where you know that you've got at least one girl guaranteed no matter what happens with the RNG.

    And aside from that point, well...
    1) personal taste, we've each got our own kinks, different people will find different designs more interesting
    2) possibly the utility factor of whether or not the girl is the same main stat as your profile (which determines if she's a viable choice for your lineup since, from everything I've seen, you always get better stats from picking the gear and girls that match your type)

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    ((Granted, point 2 is iffy in the game's current state. The battle system is usually pretty okay for you even in the worst conditions, and then at some point you start to seriously overpower almost everything you'll ever go up against. I'm curious to see what things will be like after the big re-balance that they've been saying is coming up.))

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Shad0w View Post
    I'm not a fan of the concept of event boosters. Every event, most players are only interested in one or two girls. Allowing them to obtain them for free removes any incentive to spend real money on the game. What you're currently suggesting would allow players to obtain two event girls for each event. The event idol isn't the popular girl anyways and it's usually the troll drops/Epic Pachinko drops that players would want in the first place.On top of that, your suggestion would essentially allow anyone to obtain past girls if they wait long enough without having to spend a significant amount of money. This would reduce Epic Pachinko drops to costing 600 kobans instead of 900 kobans AND allow users to select who they want, which is ludicrous.

    The current system rewards players for spending kobans and obtaining past girls in the first place and your suggestion would essentially punish older players for having spent money, while rewarding free players and essentially encouraging all players not to spend money/spend very little money on the game.

    The team would basically have very little overall income if players were to obtain the 2 girls they cared about for the event in the first place for free. The game would not be self-sustainable and continue to take a loss. Please keep in mind that the game developers are working on the game full-time.

    My personal preference would be to bring back each event's specific girls in the form that the original appeared while introducing a new wave girls. This would give older players something to go for while giving new players access to the event's past girls+ new girls. There would be two event every year, once during the anniversary and once during the New Year, where players would be able to obtain past event girls through a special Pachinko for kobans at the standard costs.

    This would continue to keep the game self-sustainable while keeping everyone happy.
    Could you provide any proof that no one wants the event idol and only two girls? Or are you projecting your interests onto the entire player base?

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Harem Heroes Wiki Hero
    They already did an "anniversary" event making every girl come back from every event they did so far, including limited girls into Epic pachinko.

    So that basicly "Lost ever" is already a lie. And let's make the real call outs. You are missing girls and want more, yet you're either a new player, a veteran that has been unlucky. Or either just a cry baby. You have either a entirely different mind set that you're obviously posting here. So stop being selfish and look at the real facts

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Greetingz View Post
    They already did an "anniversary" event making every girl come back from every event they did so far, including limited girls into Epic pachinko.

    So that basicly "Lost ever" is already a lie. And let's make the real call outs. You are missing girls and want more, yet you're either a new player, a veteran that has been unlucky. Or either just a cry baby. You have either a entirely different mind set that you're obviously posting here. So stop being selfish and look at the real facts
    God forbid I have criticisms of a game. But if you want me to fuck off, I will - Because while I'd love to counter and respond to your claims here, I'd rather just be told I'm not welcome here.
    Last edited by NinjaW; 08-19-2017 at 08:29 AM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    The edge of reality
    First off, I like how you think out of the box and try to make it possible for new players to get the older event girls (though you forget the Halloween event, even though that event was in a different format :P)

    Personally I don't like the idea of the black market and the tickets. Right now it punishes old paying players for having paid for the girls.
    And to be honest, you don't want to make paying players feel that they are punished.

    However, I wasn't a big fan of the anniversary event. I think everybody has a couple of favourite event girls out there, that they couldn't get, yet it was highly unlikely to get the girl(s) you actually wanted with all of them in there.

    I like the event booster tickets though. During an anniversary like event, I'd like it if I could get some kind of booster for a certain event so that when I spin the pachinko, I have a bigger chance on the girls from that event (still RNG, but at least you increase the odds).

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Please don't feed the trolls

    Given building the Harem is 'the game' and there is no end game content being able to channel energy into any kind of farming would be nice too.

    And the idea of perma locked content doesn't sit well with me either, yes the dev can open the vault whenever they like but a more structured way would be appreciated - I'd rather not have everything koban locked - and hopefully part of the rethink will vist the cost/koban ratio

    Perhaps after a time, or once a world is farmed out the bosses could drop tokens, and these tokens in time could be traded for old event girls....so say you wanted event girl X, boss Y drops the tokens, you need to farm all 3 girls then say 3 tokens....as rare as a girl drop...to get 1 girl

    LOT of work, but end game....

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    They could just do re-issue events and/or perma re-issue events like FKG does. Those don't hurt old players, nor they hurt whales. They actually help all players including whales to get content they missed, and having just re-issues on the side of main events doesn't hurt whales who got everything before. As long as you don't think letting new people get old content hurts old players cause the had stuff you don't just cause they got into game faster.

    Hek - it could actually bring more revenue for devs. We have so much events, that F2P cant really spin 900 kobans pachinko for girl each event, add the fact that there is more than 1 girl and that you need luck to get event girls (if you didn't farm all troll normal girls before-hand), and you end up with situation where its actually harder for F2P people to get premium content girls, which could force more of them to go whales and buy kobans to spin more times. Just having re-issue events side-to-side with normal events could force some "stamina" refilling for having more chances to get event girls from trolls (for new people mostly).

    Thats just my idea of solving this "old content not available anymore" problem. Thou personally I find HH premium content to be to damn expensive for me to even care about it, but it would let me get F2P stuff I possibly missed.

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