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  1. #27

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaW View Post
    Could you provide any proof that no one wants the event idol and only two girls? Or are you projecting your interests onto the entire player base?
    The event idol isn't the popular girl anyways and it's usually the troll drops/Epic Pachinko drops that players would want in the first place. L2R

    People are NOT happy with the current format though. I'm sure that many would rather just ignore pachinko-only girls instead of shelling out the prices currently being asked for. And while we understand that RNG is a harsh mistress and sometimes the luck just isn't with you, it still stings when you get a bad streak.
    "Some" free players aren't happy with the current format. If you're playing enough, you will almost certainly get the event girls. It takes work to get some things in life.

    I don't know about that. I consider them to be the saving grace of the event format. The very first event didn't have that yet and it was only the troll drops and the pachinko drops. It was kind of nice in the events after that where you know that you've got at least one girl guaranteed no matter what happens with the RNG.
    Isn't the popular girl =/= no guaranteed event girl

    DrQuatsch - I suggested to Jessie a booster that could be purchased for Kobans that would increase the drop rate of event girls by a bit for the duration of the event. Your idea works too!

    The F2P posts here remind me of other F2P posts in games. There's always the crowd of free players that "suggest" ideas that would essentially give them whatever they want (the premium content), without having to spend money. It's a thinly veiled suggestion. Just be upfront about it and say, hey, I don't want to spend much money, but I want all the awesome premium content that everyone else has to pay for.

    OP basically deflected on the key points that I mentioned.

    God forbid I have criticisms of a game.
    I think Greetingz wants you to offer constructive criticism of the game, not basically you saying that you want to have a way to obtain premium content without having to spend the money.
    Last edited by Shad0w; 08-20-2017 at 12:42 PM.

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