Quote Originally Posted by Shad0w View Post
You might want to re-read what OP wrote. He suggested bringing back all old event girls and have them be accessible via "event booster and suggested Bunny's mother, an Epic Pachinko exclusive, as an example. OP was trying to find a way to obtain premium content for free.

The part that you read from OP's post was of him suggesting that new Epic Pachinko exclusive girls remain Epic Pachinko exclusive for the initial release and suggested that they have an increased drop rate. Event girls already have an increased drop rate for their events, so the booster suggestion is kind of pointless.
Sounds like a poorly chosen example for the point that was being described, maybe a misunderstanding (and failure in fact-checking) on their part about how the events so far have been organized. (As you point out, it hasn't been a perfect divide where the troll-dropped girls are always new characters and the pachinko exclusives are always variations. There are exceptions in both cases.) Doesn't change what the idea was about. Just means it was a bad example. He could have instead mentioned either of Bunny's sisters for that example.

But the idea proposed a "black market" shop which would host the "idols" and the troll-dropped girls from all events, and then with enough tokens (aka the "event booster", which is an awkward and misleading name for the type of item that it was described as being (they don't boost anything, they're just currency)) awarded from the 14 event dailies to be able to afford either an "idol" or two troll-dropped girls from this "black market". (Potential would exist to obtain extra tokens as random drops, or you could pay kobans for them.) He misspoke with the assertion of the "new girl" / "variation" divide between what options had been in which place, but the intention was clearly that only the "idols" and the troll-dropped girls would be in this "black market", and the pachinko exclusives would still be pachinko exclusives.

It's probably wishful thinking for the full "black market" selection to drop in price whenever any event is running though. I'd imagine that the current event's girls would be introduced at the cheaper price and then go up to full price after the event and stay there. (Maybe they could get a slight discount offered when their event returns or when a big promo similar to the anniversary deal happens again?)

Anyway, about the pachinko, the idea proposed that the pachinko exclusive event girls would ALWAYS be available in the pachinko but they'd just be much more likely to drop during their event than they'll be outside of the event. Maybe they already have better odds to drop than a non-event girl? (Not in my experience when I've used my saved up free kobans during an event. I've only gotten non-event girls. But it is "higher chance", not "guaranteed".) But the proposal was clearly about the availability, not the drop rate. Currently event girls which are pachinko exclusives become unavailable to find after the event ends, zero chance. I'd think that it ought to be set up so that pachinko drops should be weighted so that "current exclusives > non-event possibilities > previous exclusives".

Hmmm, this wasn't stated in the topic creator's idea but a logical follow-up point about the pachinko would be that the non-exclusives (the troll-dropped girls) would still disappear from pachinko when their event ends (if they would even still be included in it to begin with, maybe they'd just be black market exclusives instead). Only the exclusives would stick around.

I kept saying "troll-dropped" in this post, but I suppose I should have just said kidnapped. The two girls featured in the event's spotlight as having been taken by a troll. Oh well.