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  1. #161
    UnRegistered Guest


    So I just got my 55th girl and I got her to 3 star affection.
    (AP = affection points)

    1st star: 840 AP + 176k (or 280 kobans)
    2nd star: 2800 AP + 378k (or 840 kobans)
    3rd star: 8340 AP + 1.01m (or 1400 kobans)

    There is a slight mismatch in the AP I counted, and the total AP for 3 stars was shown as 12.0k but it was more than exactly 12,000.

    In total ~12,000 AP + 1,564,000 cash.

    I saw someone mention 1 AP = 417 cash, so 12k AP = 5,004,000

    Total cost in cash is 6,568,000.
    (With that extra AP I didn't count) it rounds up to 6.6mil.

  2. #162
    Unregistered Guest
    I posted back on the 4th page of the this fourm saying I was happy with the update. Once the lag had been fixed, playing for a few days and reading the rest of the fourms, I have to agree with everyone's criticism.

    Now to some players this update is a huge turnoff of the game that have lost veteran players. For me, as much as the new version annoys me I will still play. It's a F2P game so its not a big deal in my eye. Since the devs do read these fourms I'm sure they will tweak the game again.

    I do think that the update that nerfed alot of stuff is the devs way of trying to prolong the life of the game. Look at it this way, if it takes longer to max out your girls level/affection/collect money then thats more time your wasting playing while your waiting for the next chapter on the new world. (Of course this is just a guess and is by no means a good excuse for them)

    I had gotten 2 girls that dropped on the first and second day of the new update and only have there affection to 1 star. Gotten Bunny and Juliette to 4 star. At the rate my income is and the price of affection items it will take weeks to max them. Some people don't have time to log on and place and it's understandable. But for me it just gives me more playing time instead of getting a new girl and able to max out both level and affection in a minute from the price of the items and Pachinko drops.

    This is my opinion, I'll still be playing it as much as the update has bothered me.


  3. #163
    Un-registered Guest

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Now affection costs formula:

    1 star = number of girls * [ 15 (affection points) * 417 (shop price) + 3150 (upgrade cost) ]
    2 star = number of girls * [ 50 (affection points) * 417 (shop price) + 6750 (upgrade cost) ]
    3 star = number of girls * [ 150 (affection points) * 417 (shop price) + 18000 (upgrade cost) ]

    This seems like the most accurate calculation out there.
    But I had to use "number of girls +1".

  4. #164
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by UnRegistered View Post
    So I just got my 55th girl and I got her to 3 star affection.
    (AP = affection points)

    1st star: 840 AP + 176k (or 280 kobans)
    2nd star: 2800 AP + 378k (or 840 kobans)
    3rd star: 8340 AP + 1.01m (or 1400 kobans)

    There is a slight mismatch in the AP I counted, and the total AP for 3 stars was shown as 12.0k but it was more than exactly 12,000.

    In total ~12,000 AP + 1,564,000 cash.

    I saw someone mention 1 AP = 417 cash, so 12k AP = 5,004,000

    Total cost in cash is 6,568,000.
    (With that extra AP I didn't count) it rounds up to 6.6mil.
    8K AP needed? Jesus christ thats 80 panties. I'm getting like 2-4 panties a day, so the new goal of the game is to farm gifts and money for MONTHS just to get an affection star... sorry but this turns me so much down right now... fuck that...

  5. #165

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by Un-registered View Post
    This seems like the most accurate calculation out there.
    But I had to use "number of girls +1".
    The formula is basically the same thing I wrote myself and he/she quoted.
    The formula is true for first 5 girls (checked on alt-account).
    Not sure about more girls than that - all my girls are 3 stars - so to check/calculate/etc. I will need to wait for kobans/event/story quest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I do think that the update that nerfed alot of stuff is the devs way of trying to prolong the life of the game. Look at it this way, if it takes longer to max out your girls level/affection/collect money then thats more time your wasting playing while your waiting for the next chapter on the new world. (Of course this is just a guess and is by no means a good excuse for them)

    Problem is they pushed "waiting" from actually buying premium content with premium currency to upgrading/unlocking scenes with cash (non-premium currency) or kobans (so premium currency).

    That cost of upgrading goes up the more girls you have - AKA the more you play, the more you support the game, the more it will cost to support it next time.

    Just imagine you play an MMORPG game like WoW where you need to pay monthly subscription and the monthly cost goes up with each month. Thats ridiculous, bad design, borderline retarded ;]. But thats what basically HH devs gone and made with their changes.

    I understand that they wanted to make something so that F2P are incentivized to support via actually buying kobans, and keep old whales, but you don't do it this way.

    Good game design: gameplay is fun, premium stuff is cool/sexy/etc. - game itself makes you want to support it cause its fun. When you buy premium content you get premium content and its not hidden by another wall/etc.

    Bad game design: game has slow story updates, broken PvP, you "prolong its life" by making changes in some systems introducing a slopped rising cost requiring a tedious boring busy-work or spending more and more of premium currency. Premium content is hidden behind double wall: the same RNG based gacha/pachinko like other games (thou in some circumstances you have far more chances to get what you want in HH), and now a secondary wall of unlocking starts that cost more the more girls you have.

    Thats not a way to prolong the life of a game, its way to slowly kill it. I seriously would like for a dev to came and talk to us in this forum. Tell us if they are just that - for the lack of better word - incompetent, or did they do that because they are bored of this game and want to slowly kill it.

    My advice - add seasonal resets of tower leaderboards. Do something so that you would be able to release story more often. Make it so that first 4 girls costs to affection upgrade are 20/40/60/80% sloped values of all other girls - and all other girls will be for example costing as much as Juliette (so 2nd girl) is now.

    Fixed PvP will make it so that new players can actually fight for it, and have incentive to level faster, to get better items, to level best girls for their character in their harem. As its now - no sane person will even try to compete cause its not a PvP per se now - its who played longer and clicked a button more times.

    Story is released to slow - we basically need to reread older quests when we get a new one, cause we already forgot what was happening there. Thats fucked up. Heck even 30+ paged chapters of mangas are released more often.

    Fix to "broken by the 2.0 updated" affection. Will still have higher cost of upgrading that will force F2P people to work for their affection scenes. While the starting girls will be cheaper and provide a quite fast slop to the static bigger cost. It will be cheap enough for whales to try to insta unlock them stars. Beside with new level cap, we already have slowly rising costs of upgrading our stats, and rising cost of getting better and better gear, we don't need yet another - frankly ridiculously fast - rising cost in the affection section.

    Welp. Yet another big wall of text from me. Question is am I just retarded and write the same stuff over and over again, or am I that passionate about some game I play when I see devs fucking their shit up ;]


    As a side note: At level 46 I got again 50 more upgrades. So the theory about static 50 upgrades since level 14 seems more and more true xD
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-27-2017 at 11:26 AM.

  6. #166
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    8K AP needed? Jesus christ thats 80 panties. I'm getting like 2-4 panties a day, so the new goal of the game is to farm gifts and money for MONTHS just to get an affection star... sorry but this turns me so much down right now... fuck that...
    8k is only to get from the 2nd star to 3rd star.

    12k total from 1 star to 3.

  7. #167
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    8k is only to get from the 2nd star to 3rd star.

    12k total from 1 star to 3.
    It can get even worse

    I got Kelina after the update, the last star is over 9k

  8. #168

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    It can get even worse

    I got Kelina after the update, the last star is over 9k
    The more girls you have the worse it will be. 3rd star on Bunny is a total of 215 affection points. So if you have 80 girls like a whale XD then total affection points to get that 80th girl is over 17K, which is worth over 7M5 cash for affection points alone, then 2M2 for 3 upgrades on the way. So 80 girl is around 10M total to get her to 3rd star, and shit gets real when they will add 4/5 stars to all girls ;].

  9. #169
    Unregistered Guest

    Not impressed.

    So there are some rebalances to equipment items I don't care about (because the combat was, is and seemingly always will be so broken that I can run my party of lvl1 girls against any boss in the game and pretty much any player in the ranking and win every time without working up a sweat); a change in the pricing scheme to boosters I've never bothered to use (see 'broken combat' above, and the fact that boosters used to be one of the more valuable items for selling off); a hike in the purchase-price of the xp items that mean I'm probably never going to bother wasting money on those thing again, given that there's also...; a *massive* hike in the cost of affection levels, especially for players with lots of girls (I'm at over 40 now).

    Other than this, the harem page is fractionally less laggy than before (although it's still easily possible to play a game of see-how-many-I-can-click-before-the game-registers-it) and the combat is still (as I may have mentioned) hilariously broken. Oh, and there's no extra story episodes included in the update, so having completed all the previously-available stuff I get to continue to sit on my thumbs on that score.

    Seriously, the interface is still so slow to load and my account has been so gypped by the update (I must have wasted 100mil+ on stat upgrades alone, which are now so cheap as to be almost insulting to anyone who'd bothered to invest in their stats before the update; then there's the 20%+ decrease in value of my harem's output) that I have to wonder if there's any point in carrying on. The developers always seem to have been working on the irritate-people-until-they-pay-real-money model, but now it feels like I'm being penalised disproportionately for the amount of time I've spent on the game so far. It's becoming harder and harder to justify logging in every day, and I'm certainly not willing to do it more than once at this point.

    We need story updates. We need an option to turn off all the annoying animations that make pages slow to load on older PCs. Increasing the girl drop rates to something better than once in a blue moon wouldn't hurt. We don't need a bunch of deckchair rearrangements on the Titanic. Unless the person earlier in this thread was right, and the devs are just looking to quietly do away with this iteration of the game so they can move on to other things.

  10. #170
    Just got the last girl I needed for the full set, and something tells me the formula for affection stops being linear at some point. The screenshot should speak for itself.Re-balance Feedbacks-lola-level-1.png
    Last edited by soviras; 08-27-2017 at 06:51 PM.

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